a short chapter😢

69 3 1

Anastasia pov

I woke up with a slight headache.

"Please tell me I didn't say anything stupid?" I asked Caity.

"You just mentioned a super-soldier serum, you're good." The beautiful lady next to me said.

"Thank you, Caity, for suffering me." I kissed her.

"It's your turn to take Leah to school," I told her as I got up.


"But no one has seen my dad." Said the very familiar voice of Jesse.

"Jesse, how are you feeling?" I asked her after hearing those words. "Are you okay?" I hugged her.

"I'm fine.
But I mean is he...?" She was cut of by Barry.

"No, no he's alive.
they went to a lot of trouble to get him there.
They need him for something.
We're gonna figure out what that is."

"Oh! There you guys are.
I've been looking all over for you.
Are we going for coffee or what?" H.R walked into the cortex, oh no.

"Dad!" Jesse ran to him and hugged him.

"Ah, oh.
Yes, that's how you say good morning, people... with hugs. Hi!" He hugged her back.

"Jesse, that's not who you think it is.
This is H.R.
You met him briefly before you left last time." Caity explained.

"At your service, madame." H.R smiled.

"He's Harry's replacement," Wally explained to Jesse.

"Some would say improvement." H.R added.

"Um, this is Harry's daughter," Cisco told H.R.

"Yeah." H.R said as he knew it before, he didn't know it before.

"He's been kidnapped," I said.

"He... I didn't know. I'm so s... I thought..." H.R started to say but was cut by Jesse.

"Sorry about that."

"I'm sorry, too.
I'm sorry I took the smile from your face." H.R said.

"What are you thinking about?" Iris asked Barry.

"The future," Barry said.


"This headline from the future: the city's still recovering from a gorilla attack." Barry pointed at the headline and I saw another one, a black widow still on the run.

"So you're thinking this headline and Harry being taken are tied together," Joe asked.

"I mean, it can't be a coincidence, right?
And Harry getting lured to Gorilla City?
Grodd must be planning something." Barry told us.

"Seems like he's planning to come back to this Earth," Caitlin said.

"And not alone, by the sound of it," Cisco added.

"If we rescue Harry, then maybe that stops
whatever Grodd's planning here, and maybe that changes the future," Barry said

"Which would change my future," Iris added.

So we save Harry, we save Iris.
But you're not sure." Joe stated.

"No, but... I'm going either way.
Harry's my friend.
I'm not gonna just abandon him.
I'm going back to Earth-2." Barry stated.

"And I suppose you'll want somebody to come with you who's gonna open those breaches for you?" Cisco asked.

"We had so much fun last time." Barry smiled.

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