borrowing problems from the future

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Anastasia pov

I walked Leah to school her hand in mine, "Listen to me very closely, this is not the red room you cannot punch people if they annoy you, you will do good kid, I believe in you."

"Okay, bye, Mom." She said and ran into school, my heart stopped, my own daughter never called me mom.


"...things have just been on the fritz lately.
It makes me feel like a criminal." Caitlin said as I walked into the cortex, still in shock.

"Hasn't been on the fritz, okay?
Uh, maybe if you charge the battery as I told you to." Cisco told her.

"Oh, I'm just supposed to hook myself up to an outlet, like I'm some sort of human tablet?" Caitlin asked.

"Either you charge the cuffs, or you go all Frozen on us again," Cisco said the two options.

"Or... You could fix them for me."Caitlin smiled.

"Or I could fix 'em."

"Sumptuous day, brethren." HR said as he walked into the cortex.

"Oh, boy." Barry sighed.

"Good morning, H.R." Caitlin smiled.

"Oh, not just good.
It's g-r-r-eat, and why is that?
Because I'm finally ready to announce that the new S.T.A.R. Labs museum is ready for its opening...soft opening... So come.
Let's take the tour."

"This could have been avoided.
You know that, right?" Cisco asked, and Barry hummed.

"Are you okay?" Barry asked as he walked next to me, behind HR.

"She called me, Mom. Leah called me, Mom," I told him.

"That's...good?" He asked me.

"I'm not sure." I sighed.


"Behold." HR said as we walked into the S.T.A.R labs' Museum.

"Whoa!" Cisco said.

"You did all this?" Barry asked.

Well, I don't want to take all the credit.
I'm too modest to do that, but yeah." HR answered.

"Who exactly is paying for all this?" I asked

"That's a great question." And that's not a great answer, HR.

Allow me to introduce you to your new coworkers.
Everybody, this is Olga." HR introduced us.


"Hi." Cisco Barry and Caitlin said together.

"извините, что вам пришлось его терпеть, он идиот," I told her and she laughed. (Sorry you had to put up with him; he's an idiot.)

"Oh, and she doesn't speak English so much, but she's great. So right over here, we have the ticketing and the admissions. Over there, our specialty coffees... Oh, uh, that reminds me. Caitlin... Initially, I had you targeted ticketing, but it occurred to me,
With a few lessons in foam art, you could very well man up... Excuse me... woman up
our cappuccino stand. What do you think?" HR asked.

"HR, I think Caitlin's gonna have plenty to do as it is," Cisco said.

"Can I ask you a question?
Do you want to eat pizza pockets for every meal for the rest of your life?
You don't; nobody wants that.
What you want is an income, and we collectively need a cover for S.T.A.R. Labs
for our continued operation." HR explained.

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