still while ana was away

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Killer Frost pov

"What's that saying?" I asked as I walked into our hideout. " "Man plans and God laughs?" Well, men are planning.
And what's the God of Speed doing?" I walked towards Savitar, "Kneeling.
Brooding time is over.
You revealed yourself.
Now what?
Any idea what to do with Flash and Friends?
Because we are getting pretty close to your big becoming, and if we don't take them down, neither one of us gets what we want." I said and he didn't answer, that's weird.

"Hello? Anybody home?" I asked and he choked me.

"What are you doing?" I bearly said.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Who... am... I?" He asked, what?



"It sure is," I said. "For more than just him."

"I don't have my speed," Wally said after he tried to run to me.

"Not anymore. And I know why.
If you want to fix this and help Barry, you are gonna do exactly as I say." I walked closer to them.


"My presence usually dampens the mood," I smirked and joe pulled out his gun.

"Joe, don't."  Cisco told him and I lifted my hands, "You fire, I'll fire."

"What the hell is she doing here?" Hoe asked.

"She wants to help," Julian said.

"Help?" Joe asked.

"With what?" Iris joined.

"With the fact that I lost my powers," Wally said.

"Barry, why don't you give us a minute?" Iris asked Barry.

"Sure, yeah.
Are you like a super villain?" He asked and u glared at him. "Just asking. Okay."

"How did this happen?" Joe asked.

"You got rid of Barry's memories.
What Barry remembers, Savitar remembers." I said.

"So Savitar's lost his memories too?" Julian asked.

"Savitar loses his memory, he doesn't go along with the plan to give Wally powers," Joe explained that's a first.

"Cause and effect." I smiled. "But if you let me help you figure out how to get Barry's memories back, everything goes back to the way it was."

"Kid Flash runs again." Cisco sighed.

"And Savitar survives." Iris remained with him.

"And Iris dies," Wally added.

"Life's full of difficult choices." I shrugged.

"Or it isn't.
If Savitar gets his memory back, what's in it for you?" Iris asked.

"That's my business," I said, "You think that Barry can become The Flash?"

"Yeah. He can learn." iris replied.

"I still know how to do everything. I can teach him." Wally suggested.

Maybe this is how you defeat Savitar.
But there are still a lot of villains in this city, and no Flashes to protect it. Is that a chance you're willing to take?" I asked, smirking.


"You should never have tried this without Caitlin." I sighed.

"Well, we didn't really have much of a choice, now, did we?
Also, don't refer to yourself in the third person.
It's Caitlin.
It's you.
It's the same person.
It's just confusing." Cisco said and I sighed.

"Hand me the Girard processor.
It'll help me prime his neocortical and medial frontal lobes." I said and as he handed it to me he stared at me, "What?" I asked.

Oh, golly. Look at us.
Just three musketeers working away.
Just like old times, huh?
Hey, Julian, did Caitlin ever tell you about our time working on the Particle Accelerator with Ronnie and Ana?" Cisco asked and I cringed at the name of Caitlin's lover.

"No. No, she did not." Julian answered.

"There was this one time we had this very strict deadline, and Dr. Wells was super hard on us.
All of us, even Hartley." Cisco started his story.

"Who's... who's Hartley?" Julian asked.

"Oh, he was this guy we used to work with. Such a dick.
You actually reminded me a lot of him when you first came on board.
Anyway, so we were working on the iridium plating for the, um... What was it called again?" Cisco asked. "The synchrotron, that's what it was.
So anyway, we were struggling, and we were burning the midnight oil, and we could not get the dubnium capacitor to hold a single charge.
And so all of a sudden... Ronnie just loses all his chill.
He turns beet red, and he starts yelling at the thing like, "Come on, you dumb-nium capacitor!"..." Cisco said and I added. "Take charge."

Oh, my God.
I think about all the memories I cherish most, and... and you're in every single one of them, Caitlin." He said and I stopped working.

"Let's figure this out.
I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." I said.

"Suit yourself," Cisco said.


I will not write the next scene... too much cringe for me.


"In the third grade, you renamed the class hamster to...?" Iris asked.

Alexander Ham Bell." Barry answered, "I was eight years old."

"So you got your memories back.
Now we can all focus our attention on... stopping Savitar." Joe sighed.

"Good luck with that." I smiled and started to walk out.

"Please tell me we're not gonna just let her walk out of here," Joe said as I walked to the elevator.

"Now you want to fight?" I asked as Cisco Julian and Barry came over to where I stood.

"We don't want to fight you," Cisco said.

"Can't really avoid that now, can we?" I asked.

"Yeah, we can. You can stay here with us.
We're your friends. Your family." Barry said and I turned back to fave the elevator.

"Caitlin, I can fix you," Julian said.

"You already tried," I said.

"Well then, I'll try harder.
I don't care what it takes.
I don't care what I have to do.
I swear to you, I will find you a cure.
We all love you, Caitlin.
What about Ana?" Julian asked.

"She's gone, Julian," I said sadly and with that I left.

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