another short one😓

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Anastasia pov

"So this is H.R.'s contribution to the team?
Being Martha Stewart?" Jesse asked.

"Guys, he's just trying to do something nice," Caity said.

"Heads up!" H.R yelled and throw an arrow, "I'm not good with this kind of thing.
Do you know what I got to do?
I got to take some lessons from that guy in the green elf suit over there in Star City, what's his name?" H.R asked.

"Green Arrow. Hey, what is all this?" I asked.

"Friend's Day!

"What?" Barry asked.


"I know I missed a lot while being in the academy, but I know for sure there is no such a thing as friends day," I told Caity.

"Friend's Day." H.R repeated.

"Friends?" Barry asked.

"Oh, it's my Earth's equivalent of Valentine's Day." H.R explained. "And I thought, like, after, you know, our success with the gorillas, that we should, like, celebrate the love."

"Was all this necessary?"

"Yeah, Joe. Speaking of, where is your... Your lady friend? 'Cause I would like to..." H.R was cut by Joe.

"No, you wouldn't like to do anything.
She's at work, which is where I should be going."

"Look what I have, ladies and gentlemen. I have your own personal Friend's Day card." H.R smiled.

"Wow." Barry sighed.

"For yours truly, Ms. West." H.R gave Iris a card.

"Thank you, H.R." Iris thanked him.

Leader of the ship." H.R gave Barry a card.

"Thank... thank you."

"You're so welcome.
Oh, hi, Jesse "So Quick"
Yeah, I also made one for your grumpy old dad.
Ah, you know what I like?
Yo' vibe." H.R handed Jesse a card and then one to Cisco.

"Thank you." Cisco thanked him.

"Caitlyn, Ana.
Oh! I forgot the coffee!" H.R ran out and I smiled at the card he gave me.

"You have sped into my
heart, Jesse Quick." Jesse read from her card.

"Oh, well, I guess that makes two of us," Wally said and I eyed him.
He quickly closed his mouth.

"Wow, H.R. is nothing like my dad.
He's so sweet and thoughtful and understanding.
We should tell him." Jesse said.

"Tell your dad about you moving here?" Wally asked.

"Yeah," Jesse confirmed.

"Um, now?" Wally asked.

"Yeah, I mean, H.R. said there'd never be a perfect time.
Just got to rip the Band-Aid off." Jesse said.

Okay, let's do it." Wally agreed.

"Wil you be my friend Caitlin Danielle snow?" I asked Caity as I took her hand in mine.

"I think I just might will." She smiled.

I looked at my phone, "I gotta go." I said as Cisco walked to caity.

"What did you find?" I asked as I answered the phone, far enough from everyone to hear.

"They will get you, you have to run, why didn't you already?" He asked me.

"I have family, and friends, I can't let them down, and they can't find out." I sighed. "Call me if you find anything new..."


"Hey, dead man.
You told Wally you were dying?" Jesse asked as she walked into the breach room.


You're dying?" Caity and Barry asked at the same time.

"I didn't say I was, uh... I-I said I didn't know how much time I had left.
None of us..." Harry was cut by Jesse.

"Okay, what is wrong with you?"

"Um..." Harry sighed.

"Is there seriously nothing you won't say to get me to stay by your side?" Jesse asked.

"I don't..." He tried to answer but was cut by Jesse again.

"Look, whatever.
I'm moving here, whether you like it or not." With that, she left.

"So all you have to do is concentrate on your memories of Grodd," Harry told Joe after a moment of silence.

"Yeah." Joe nodded.

"You ready?" Harry asked Cisco.

"Waiting on you, dead man." Harry groaned at Cisco's reply.

"Hey, if I start to Grodd out at any point, cut the power off immediately," Joe told Caity.

"Of course," Caity assured him.

"All right, Joe, you ready?" I asked and handed him a board and a pan.

"Yeah," Joe answered.

"All right, then.
So here...
go." Harry turned the power on.

Joe started drawing.

"I didn't know he could draw," Caity said surprised.

"Well, that's the thing.
Anybody can actually draw.
It's just that some have a more developed visual cortex and manual ability, as you know.
And right now, these magnets are taking that part of his brain and lightin' it up." Cisco explained.

"Well, it worked.
Now we have a new problem.
We have to figure out who the hell this is." Barry took the board from Joe.


I sat at the bar waiting for my intel when the man I was waiting for walked in, "so?" I asked.

"Nothing, I can do nothing, I'm sorry, you're on your own." He said and left.

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