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"I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship.
Keywords: alien spaceship." Cisco said excitedly. "I have questions."

"They can wait.
Thanks for helping me get my sister home." Ollie told Cisco and then Nate.

"Yeah, man," Nate replied.

"What's our status?" Ollie asked.

"Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads," Barry answered.

"Why would they do that?" Nate asked.

"What if they were trying to pit us against each other, to gain intel about meta-humans?" Ray suggested.

"Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire." Felicity joked.

"Well, metas pose the biggest threat to their invasion.
It would make sense they'd want to get to know their enemies." Kara started.

"By kidnapping people.
Perhaps they were searching your minds for potential meta-human vulnerabilities." Stein continued.

"I think it's time we return the favor," I said.

"What do you want to do?
Kidnap one of them now?" Dog asked.

"Ever since we fought off that one ship, they've kind of been in short supply," Barry said.

"Actually, I know where to find one.
I've been reviewing old Army footage of their first encounters with the Dominators, and I think I pegged the fight to... Redmond, Oregon. 1951." Nate explained.

"You're suggesting we travel to 1951, abduct a Dominator, and interrogate it to determine their intentions," Stein asked.

"They kidnapped us. Seems fair." Sara said.

"Whoa. Time travel. I'm definitely in." Cisco smiled.

"Okay, hold on, though.
Professor Stein and Caitlin have been talking about a way to take down the Dominators.
They could probably use yours and Ana's help." Barry told us.

"Pass." Cisco and I said together.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm with him, mostly 'cause I just don't want to lose my geek cred, but time travel!" Felicity said and I nodded.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity," I added.

"I could take Amaya and Mick," Nate said.

"Do it," Ollie told him.

"Okay," Barry confirmed, and Cisco Felicity and I ran to get ready.


"This ship is everything!" Cisco said.

"What type of propulsion system does it use?" I asked.

"No idea," Nate answered.

"Oh, my God.
That construct on the bow looks like it could be some sort of time sphere." Cisco added.

"Yeah, no idea," Nate said again

"To operate a ship of this size, the deep-link nets would have to be..." Felicity started to say only to be cut by Cisco.

"Oh, my God, you'd have to use, like a quantum neural chipset..." but Cisco was cut by Nate.

"Hey, guys, guys.
Amaya and Rory are waiting for us on the bridge.
Can we just keep moving this along?" Nate asked and walked away.

"This ship is..." I started.

"Automatic?" Cisco asked.

"Supersonic," Felicity added.

"Hypnotic," I added.

"Funky fresh." We all said together


"We made it. This is the '50s. Sick." Cisco smiled.

Felicity vomited, and Nate said, "Severe time jumps can cause nausea,
temporary deafness..." Nate started saying but was cut by Felicity talking nonsense.

"Linguistic disorientation." He continued.

"You. Clean it up." Mick told Cisco. "We're gonna kidnap an alien."

I know I did not just travel through time so we could stay on the ship." Cisco said.

"Ponytail, you're staying on the ship," Mick said and Felicity yelled something.

"I'll take that as, "Have fun storming the castle"," Nate said.

"Oh, for real?
You're gonna use "Princess Bride" against me?
Against me?" Cisco said and Felicity vomited again.
"Okay. I got you, girl."


I got ready and left the time ship, I will destroy the red room, I will do it early so that I'll never go through it.

"Ana! Where are you going?" Cisco asked me.

"To do something important," I yelled back.

"We're not supposed to leave the ship." He said as he ran to me.

"I'll be back quickly," I said and he sighed.

"Fine, be careful." He sighed again and walked back to the Waverider.


I found it.
I did it.
I can destroy it.
I will never go through this hell.

I don't know what you want to do, but dont!" Nate yelled.

"How can I not?" I asked him, "what I will do will save many girls, myself included." I cried out.

"Ana, you can't change the time like this, trust me, I know how hard it is but you cant."

"I'm sorry Nate..." I whispered and then, black.


Caitlin pov

The fight was over, we won, I still can't believe they wanted Barry.

Suddenly Nate came to me, "You're Ana's girlfriend, right?"

"Where is she?" I asked worried, I didn't see her since... she left to the Waverider?

"She is dangerous, she tried to change the past, we found her in Russia... trying to destroy something.
She is on the Waverider for now, you can come and get her." Nate said and I went to the Waverider.

"Ana, Ana, babe, wake up," I said and she did.

"What?... no... no!
No!" She yelled. "Why are my memories the same, no... Caitlin no..." she lifted her shirt and touched the scar. "Please no..."


A short one I know sorry 😞

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