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Anastasia pov

I sat in the car with my 10-year-old Katarina and 6-year-old Leah, " Mommy, are we there yet?" Leah asked me.

"No baby, not yet," I answered.

"Why do we need to go?" Katarina asked.

"Because he's my friend, and he invited us."

"Why do WE need to go?" Leah asked, and I sighed and smiled.

"Because wherever I go, you go, and wherever I live, you live, we are family, that's what we do," I said as we finally reached, and I parked the car.

"Let's go," I said as I got out of the car.

"Yes, Mommy." They both replied.


"Ollie, laurel, it's so good to see you again.
Please meet my daughters." I said and signaled them to introduce themselves.

"I'm Leah."

"I'm Katarina. Nice to meet you." I looked at my daughters, and they looked dead, depressed, not alive.
I gasped for air.

"Ana, are you okay?" Ollie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said and hugged my daughters closely. "Just peachy." I sighed.

"Let's go in then," Laurel said.

"Let's." I smiled.


I sat next to the table. When I saw someone I had never seen yet looked familiar, I got up and walked to him, "Hey, I'm Anastasia, Anastasia Volkov." I offered him my hand.

"Palmer, Ray." He smiled.

"So bride or groom?" I asked.

"Groom, I guess. I work with Mr. Quinn." He answered.

"That's good. I hope you enjoy this fine evening." I smiled and went to look for my daughters.


I looked around the room when a black male walked toward me, "Anastasia, I need you to listen to me. This is not real; this is all fake; this is not your real life." He said and looked at him.

"I know, I know yet I can't seem to let go, I don't want to, in the real world, I lost my daughter and myself, I wake up every morning, and then, the nightmare begins.
any other day I would say I want to stay but now?
Now, I have another chance of being a mother. I have a lover. I will be happy again." I said and walked out with Dig.


We all stood in the garden in front of people. I recognized most of them, yet the one in front of me had a mask, so I couldn't see their face.

We started fighting.
I could smell the sweat from my opponent's body; it felt all too familiar.
My opponent had no weapon, unlike myself, my trusted dagger. "You know, you picked a bad day to fight me," I said, and my opponent, swing their hand at me.
I dodged and hit them in their torso; they stumbled back but didn't stop trying to kill me.

"You see, I have been waiting to punch someone for forever. You came just in time." I smiled and pinned them to the ground.

"Let's see who you are," I said and took off their mask; the person behind the mask was no other than myself.

"You see, you are your biggest enemy." They said and disappeared.

"Fuck me..." I sighed and got up.

Suddenly, Laurel came outside. Ollie and Sara walked to her.

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