Abara Kadabra

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This chapter is dedicated to TheQueenMarian17

Thank you for the ideas and the support

Anastasia pov

"Well, everything's the same.
The future has not changed." Cisco announced.

"All right. Well, we have two months to make sure that it does." Barry said.

"Okay, well, we should approach this the same way we approach any other problem... Start with what we know.
A problem can't be solved if it's not understood." Caity said.

"Therein lies the rub.
I feel like we can't understand any of this until it actually happens.
It's like Savitar's prophecies." Cisco added.

"Precisely, and just like the newspaper headlines.
Well, all bar one." Julian said, referring to the killer frost one.

"I think Ana can help us with another one," Caity said, and I looked at her.

"No, I don't think I can, Caitlin," I said, and she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Nope, nothing I can help," I said again.

Barry's and Julian's phones ran. "There's a crime scene; we gotta go," Joe said.

"Oh hey, Julian?" Caity asked as Cisco and I left the breach room.

"What did Caitlin talk about?" He asked me.

"She thinks I can help the team with another headline." I sighed.

"Which one?"

"The one with the black widow," I sighed.

"What do you have anything to do with this?" He asked.

"You don't want to know..."


"He calls himself Abra Kadabra," Jypsy said.

"As in hocus pocus?" Caity asked

"שיברא כדברי...I will create as I speak."
I quickly translated.

"He's certainly got a lot of tricks." Barry sighed.

"Yeah, we think he has some sort of nanotechnology built into his body... allows him to do some extraordinary feats.
Teleportation, telekinesis, you name it, and believe me, I have seen it all." Jypsy added.

"So that card trick, he played on Barry, the water tank at Stagg, that's all some futuristic tech that he's masking as magic?" Iris asked.

"Well, it's Arthur C. Clarke's third law. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is..." Caity said.

"... indistinguishable from magic." Cisco, her, and I continued all together.

"Before you showed up, he said he was from the future," Barry said.

"The future?" Joe asked.

"He is, 64th Century," Jypsy answered.

"Great, another criminal from the future.
Haven't we had our fill of those guys?" Iris asked.

"64th Century.
What exactly are you after him for?" Joe asked Jypsy.

"He's at the top of the collectors' most wanted list.
Showed up on my Earth a few years back and did a string of robberies that ended with a lot of people losing their lives.
Showed up again a couple of weeks ago, looted some tech companies, and came here." Jypsy said, she's hiding something, isn't she?

"To do the same thing? Why?" Iris asked.

"He must have needed our Earth's tech for something," Joe explained.

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