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Anastasia Volkov pov

"My name is Anastasia Volkov, and I'm a black widow assassin."

"As in the comics?" Cisco asked.

"I'm sorry what?
There are comics about me?"

No man I'm kidding let's go for real now!


"My name is Anastasia Volkov, and I'm a black widow assassin."

"You're an assassin?" Barry asked. "That's just like in flash point, I'm so so sorry Ana."

"I don't think it's because of you Barry, it's the place I grew up in, I... I learned to kill since I could walk talk and move... this is all me... I'm sorry."

"We love you, no Metter what," Caity said.

"So you have ninja stars?" Cisco asked and I nodded and took them out of my bag.

"Here." I gave him one.

"Cool." He smiled and I took another thing out of my bag.

Later at home

"Caitlin?" I turned to look at her.

"Would you marry me?"

"...yes! Yes! Thousands of times yes!"

the flash and the black widow: trumaWhere stories live. Discover now