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Anastasia pov

"It's okay to be nervous Caitlin," I said as we stood in the middle of the Tannhauser industries.

"I'm fine, thank you again for coming with me." She smiled, but I could tell it was forced.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked us.

"I'm here to see Dr. Tannhauser," Caitlin replied.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked.

"No, but I'm pretty sure she'll see me.
You can just tell her Caitlin Snow is here." Caitlin said.

"Dr. Tannhauser's a very busy woman.
I'm sure you can understand." The receptionist told us.

"I appreciate the diligence, Jackie, but Caitlin's always welcome here, even if I wish she'd call first." Dr. Tannhauser said.

"Nice to see you too, Mom." Caitlin faked a smile.


"So what brings you here?
I didn't forget your birthday, did I?
I'm pretty sure I sent a card." Dr. Tannhauser asked.

"You did... in April," Caitlin replied as a lady put a tray with tea and three glasses on the table.

"Thank you." Dr. Tannhauser told the lady.

"Look, we read your new paper on applications in cryo-medicine, and we think
you might be able to help us," I said as I sat down.

"And who you might be?" Dr. Tannhauser asked as she scanned me up and down.

"A friend," I said, trying to out Caitlin.

"Anyway, I had no idea you kept up on the literature over at S.T.A.R. Labs.
That's still what it's called, right?" Dr. Tannhauser asked.

"Yes, and, I have a patient who could use your help," Caitlin said.

"Well, if you want to send over the file, I'll be happy to take a look when I have a chance, but right now, I have a shareholder meeting to prepare for and--" Dr. Tannhauser started to say but was cut by Caitlin slamming her hands on the table.

I'm the patient." She said and ice took over the table.

"Cancel my appointments, and have Nigel meet me in the bio-lab.
We have work to do." Dr. Tannhauser said to the phone.


"Sorry, cold hands." The man who I assumed was Nigel said

"I didn't even notice." Caitlin smiled softly.

"I'm Nigel, by the way." Nigel introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you," Caitlin said.

"We're gonna help you figure this out, Caitlin.
Let's get you to the lab." Nigel said and Caitlin got up from her seat.

"It's fine Caitlin, I promise, I'll be with you every step of the way," I whispered to her.


"What's this?" Caitlin asked as a glowing red tube came out from its place.

"It's to test how your ability affects molecular motion.
That shaft is solid tungsten, and it's heated to over 2,000 degrees centigrade.
I want you to cool it down,
and when we determine how you can do that, we can figure out the best way to help you.
Best we could do in such little time." Dr. Tannhauser explained.

"So this is where you've been for the last hour," Caitlin said.

"I had to reschedule my day for this, Caitlin.
A lot of things around here require my attention." Dr. Tannhauser replied.

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