Meeting the villa

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"Heyyy everyone" I shout as we walk in, throwing my hands up. I was in front of Tommy and Curtis, when we walked in, creating a triangle shape.

"Hola chicas" Tommy said, from behind me. I slapped him on the chest, while laughing at him.

"Hello, how is everyone" Curtis asked, the islanders all got out of their seats and came to welcome us while we walked towards em.

"What's going on" Tommy asked when we where closer.

"Hiya, omg your stunning" I say walking up to a blonde girl.

"Ty, I'm amy" she said giving me a hug. I hug her back before saying hello to every else learning their names.

"Everyone seems lovely, but I'm gonna have a hard time remembering names, especially when I've got a glass of whine in my hands"I say laughing at myself.

"You nervous lads and las" Micheal asked, while looking at me.

"Yeah ngl I'm shitting it" Curtis said, making everyone laugh.

"We all still shitting it, we all still shitting it" one of the boys said.

"What's your jobs then" anna asked us.

"I am a ball room and Latin dancer" Curtis replied.

"What do you do mate" someone asked Tommy.

"I'm a professional boxer" he said nodding his head

"Oh fucking hell" I heard someone say making me giggle.

"Your Tyson furrys brother"  Tommy nodded.

"Fucking hell"

"So what do you do babes" Amy asked me, making the attention shift from tommys famous brother to me.

"I'm a model and a fashion designer" I say, while laughing for no reason.

"That explains why I recognise you" Anna said, making me laugh.

"Who have you modelled for" lucie asked.

"Umm Victoria secret I worked a lot with" I say.

"Wish I saw that" Micheal mumbled. I laugh at him, making him know I heard him.

"You'll have to come to one of my shows" I say, to him. He nodes before Anna changed the subject.

"Soo what's you guys types"

"I know everyone says it, but personality, like if you can't joke around we can't mingle do you know what I mean" I say, making them all nod.

"I'm quite open, you know, I go on more personality like Adrianna here" Curtis said pointing at me making me do jazz hands.

"Who do u fancy in here" anton said, making me ooo.

"I don't know anybody just yet soo" Curtis said. He clapped after.

"He's heard that and dodged it" Micheal said, making me laugh.

"Someone can be amazing looking but doesn't have a good personality and we just clash" Curtis explains

"That's what I'm like" Amy said making me smile.

"What about you mate"

"Same boat tbh,need to get to know all the girls" Tommy said before getting interrupted by Anna saying

"No don't copy him, don't copy him"

"Got to be your own man" Micheal said.

"Got a text" Curtis said

"Islanders, in 24 hours Curtis, Adrianna and Tommy will each couple up with someone of there choose leaving some people vulnerable and single #theglovesareoff"

"Gloves age of baby" Tommy said laughing.

"Cheers to the first night" Tommy said. Cheers spread across the sofas.

"Cheers to stealing are birds" anyone says.

Word count: 538
This is really short I know there get longer next chapter hopefully.
(Amber is not in this story)

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