Day 8

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"Morning" Amy said making a pose when she open the door, everyone cheered except me who was basically half asleep as I cuddle into Micheal.

"Was it good" someone asked.

"Ye it was really nice" they both said at the same time.

"If the girls wanna come with me we can go and talk girl stuff up stairs" Amy said making all the girls get out their beds. When I tired to get out out I somehow feel of the bed and into the floor making everyone laugh at me. I just layed there being dramatic so Micheal picked me up bridal style and took me to where the girls where, I gave him a peck saying thank you and before he walked back to the boys.

"So how did it go" lucie asked Amy, we where sat round where we do our hair and makeup.

"Yeah it was really good, got there, looked round the room, so beautiful in there, like it's so nice, then we went in the hot tub for a bit, had a little glass of Prosecco" Amy explained.

"Did you have a little kiss in the hot tub" lucie asked Amy.

"We didd yess, most exciting news was, we was in the hot tub, he was like I don't want to go to a relationship yet, cuz we only here for the 8 day, but he was like I can say if anyone came in I wouldn't want them I'd only want you" Amy explained making us all awww

"So I do want to love things to the next step, will you be my half gf" Amy said making us all cheer.

"Is that a thing" yewande asked, making me shrug.

"Wait so u have never been a gf or half before so how does it feel" I asked amy.

"It's really weird, it's really weird" amy repeated.

"So single for 26 years is over" I shouted.

"It's over" Amy said.

"It's gone"

"I'm no longer a single lady, it's weird" Amy said making me laugh.

"I love that" I say clapping.


Me and Molly where working out while talking about drama until lucie screamed she had a text.

"Lucie and joe, it's time to make waves as you head out on your first date, #wetandwild #gretbreadynow" Lucie read out making us all cheer for them.

"I'm wow excited, I hope it's an activity,
Do you think activity" lucie says making me smile at her and nod. We alll go help her get changed.

"I'm actually sweating, I'm actually nervous," lucie says.

"Stop saying the world nervous cuz the more you say it the more nervous ur gonna get" Molly said make us nod.

"Ur not nervous ur excited" yewande explained.

"Right ready, ready ready" lucie shouted making us all follow her to the stairs.

"Have fun"


"Don't stay out to late" we all cheered when they walked out wishing them luck before walking back into the villa.

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