Day 5

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"Where adria" yewande asked Micheal, I put my hand out of the quilt waving at her while she laughs.

"Why u under the quilt ria" Micheal asked, while laughing.

"I'm cold" I say, also laughing now, Yewande had left to get ready.

"Come here" he said, he pulled the quilt of of me and wrapped his arms around me, making me lean into him. He pulled the quilt over us while we laid there and chatted for a bit.

"Come on you two, hurry up and get ready" Tommy said walking into the room. We both got up after a while and got ready for the day. I brushed my teeth then got into my bikini.

"You alright" molly said walking into the makeup room.

"Yeah I'm fine, how was your sleep with Tommy" I said, in a annoying tone, making her laugh.

"It was good we had a little spoon, and stuff" she said making me cheer.

"You two would be so cute together honestly" I say, before walking out leaving her in her thoughts. I walk outside to see lots of tables. I quickly ran back inside and called for everyone else.

We all ran outside to see loads of tables set up for us all. We found are names and sat down to talk.

"Sooo, 2nd date huh" I say, while smirking.

"Ye, you just love me innit" he's says making my smirk disappear.

"No I'm pretty sure u love me" I say, making us laugh.

"What's your biggest fear" Micheal asked me changing the subject.

"Umm, holes, yeah" I say casually, he looked at me confused.


"Do you know them like weird sponges, not like the ones up there, you know them like weird little sponges and they have like loads of little holes, it's creeps me out and I hate it" I say, making him laugh at me.

"That's strange" he says bluntly, while laughing, making me laugh with him.

"What's yours" I asked.

"Loosing my family" he says making me smile, "what"

"Your a little mummy's boy, I can tell" I say, eating my fruit after.

"Yeah, me and my mum, are close" he says nodding a bit.

"That's cute, really cute" I say, making him smile.

"So who are you more close to, your mum or dad" he asked me making me think.

"Umm well, me and my mum work together so probably her, but I tell my dad everything, we'll um except about going on love island" I say looking down at the floor.

"You never told your dad your coming on here" Micheal said in a shocked expression.

"Well yeah, hes overprotective even though I'm an adult, and he's never let me come on here so I didn't tell him" I say.

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