chill day

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"morning sec addict" anton shouts jumping on micheal making me groan.

"he's sounds like an alarm" i say leaning into micheals neck.

"shut up and wake up" anton says making me throw my pillow at him.

"go and annoy belle" micheal groans.

"he already has" she shouts making me laugh a bit.

"i'm gonna drown u in the pool" i say when i sit up, making micheal groan cuddling into my side.

"someone's not a morning person" he says while laughing making me shoot him daggers.

"ok, ok, u got urself a scary one there mate" anton says while getting off the bed.

"fuck off anton" he mumbled making me smile a bit.

"work out with me today" he asks picking his head up to face me.

"ok" i say making him smile.

"let's go then" he shouts getting up, "come on"

"no thanks" i say, pulling the quilt over me.

"nope, we're working out" he picks me up and drags me to the dressing room.

"i hate u" i say when he places me down on one of the chairs.

"love u two, now hurry up and get ready" he says walking out making me groan. i pick out my gym clothes, getting changed into them. i out my hair in a ponytail before walking down stairs to find micheal.

"boo" anton shouts making me scream.

"oh my god i'm gonna kill u today" i shout making everyone outside laugh.

"i hate u so much istg, i'm gonna kill u" i continue until i hear someone's phone ping.

"belle and anton, it's time for you to head out on your final date, #chopchop #theskyisthelimit" belle reads out making us all gasp.

"do u recon ur going on a helicopter" i say completely fidgeting about anton and walking over to her.

"i hope not" she says making me laugh. her and india walk inside to get ready while all the boys do aswell. we all wish them goodbye before going back inside.

"ready to work out" micheal asks making me nod. he drags me over to the gym.

"right bet time baby" i shout making him smile at me.

"u really want to go for round 2" he asks making me nod.

"ofcourse, what we doing" i ask making him smirk.

"who can do the most pull-ups" he says making me nod.

"okay u first or me" i ask him. he walks to the bar pulling himself up. he ends up doing 27 making me frown.

"i even went easy for u" he says smirking making me nod.

"yeah yeah ofcourse u did" i say while laughing a bit.

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