new opportunities

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"is adria actually still asleep" i hear one of the boys say making me groan.

"no, i'm awake" i say while sitting up, making eye contact with micheal.

"u alr" anton asks.

"yeah i'm fine, absolutely fine" i say before getting out of bed and walking to the dressing room.

"ugh" i groan before leaning my head on the table.



"ria please"

"no i don't want to speak to u" i say finally bring my head up to look at him.

"just listen to what i have to say" he begs.


"ria i'm begging you" he says while
getting down on his knees infront of me.

"micheal, i can't deal with this right now" i say, before getting up from the seat and going over to my wardrobe.

"i'm sorry" he says before walking out making me sigh, i quickly get changed before walking outsides


"i've got a text, girls, it's time to take the lead and out the boys on show in todays challenge #doggysyle, #walkies" bel shouts making all of us look at each other confused.

"what" i say

"no clue" anton says. jordan starts to walk like a dog making all of us look at him confused.

"why are u shaking ur ass what" i say making him laugh.

"dogs walk like that don't they" he says making all of us shake our heads. we all get up and run to the challenge.

maura and curtis was first, he was dressed as a dog and had to run around a track making all
of us laugh.

then molly and tommy was next, they was so bad that we was all crying with laughter.

jordan and anna was next and jordan wouldn't listen to what anna was saying making all
of us laugh.

me and ovie was next, i kept shouting at him to pick up the bone, ovie couldn't fit through the tunnel making me laugh so much.we finished finally.

then it was francesca and chris, they was really fast but chis kept shouting at fran.

last with bel and anton, they was really good but anton couldn't pick up the bone making us laugh.

"the winner is francesca and chris" micheal tells us making them both cheer while we all clapped.


"i was scraed that i couldn't get through the tunnel" ovie says making me laugh.

"u couldn't" i say

"ya cuz u have got limbs" chris says.

"have we all not got limbs" belle says.

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