New boy drama (p2)

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"Morning" I say to Micheal giving him a kiss.

"Morning" he replies sitting up, he goes to get up but I put my arm in front of him making him lean back and me cuddling into him.

"Come on love birds, time to get up" anton shouted jumping on top of us.

"Okay okay we're up we're up" I shouted, getting out of the bed and running to the girls makeup room, picking out an swimsuit to where.

"U always have a different swim suit, how many did you bring" Amy asks me.

"To many, wayyy to many" I say making her nod and laugh.


"Dani can I pull you for a chat" I asked, he was currently sat next to joe and Micheal making it a bit awkward. I smiled at Micheal, making him smile back.

"Yeah course, where do you wanna go" he asked getting up and walking behind me.

"Swing again" I asked making him nod.

"So what did you wanna talk about" he asked when we sat down.

"i'm quite happy in my couple with micheal right now and i don't think anyone in here could chnage that so i'm not saying i'm closed off but i'd rather not get to know anyone on a romantic level in here except him" I waffled making him interrupt me.

"Ye, if that what u want that's fine, I just wanted to make it clear to you that we could of had something" he said making me thank him.

"Thanks appreciate it, so who you fancying in here" I asked him, before moving to get more comfortable.

"Well you, and I'm feeling a bit of a connection with Molly, she's made it clear that I'm her type and she doesn't really know how she feels about Tommy, and then yewande is really nice and we get along well" he said making me smile.

"I know that yewande likes you at the moment and stuff but also I know that Molly does find you attractive" I explained making him nod.

"It's really hard in here cuz I feel like I don't know anyone" he said making me nod.

"That's how I felt on the first day but when you get past that awkward part it's all right, it feels like you've know everyone for weeks" I reassure him making him nod.

"Thanks, anyway we better get back Micheal is shotting daggers at me" he says maing me laugh, we get up and part our ways me heading over to Micheal and joe whereas he goes over to anton and Curtis.

"Hi, darlings" I say sitting inbetween them.

"You alright" joe says making me nod.

"How was your chat with danny" Micheal says, with an angry tone.

"Micheal are you jealous"

"Me jealous no, why would I be jealous for" he denieds making me laugh.

"He's jealous alright" joe said, making us two laugh.

"Shut up Joe" he said annoyed at us.

"I'll let you two talk" he says getting up and walking away leaving the two of us alone. I turn around to face him.

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