Getting to know everyone

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"how you two feeling" Tommy asked us when we sat down.

"Better now, yeah I was shitting myself when we was walking in" Curtis said.

"Yeah same I didn't know what what to come" Tommy said. I nodded along feeling the exact same.

"I feel bad tho, I don't wanna make girls hate me" I say, from beside Tommy.

"Yeah, I understand I don't wanna step on anyones toes" Tommy agreed with me.

"It's annoying cause everyone knows each other in here, everyone's coupled up" Curtis said.


"Hii girls" I say walking up to the girls.

"Hi, come sit down, come sit down" lucie said, patting the seat next to her. I sit down next to her.

"Soo I just wanna ask, what's everyone's situation, cause I don't want to step on any toes" I say, smiling at them all.

"Well, I'm coupled up with anton, but he's getting to know other girls so your open to talk to him." Amy said, smiling at me. I nodded along.

"I think all of us are kinda in the same situation, we are all coupled up but are willing to get to know others, so be free to get to know any of the boys" Anna said, smiling at me. I nod again wanting to know the situations.

"I think you've already court one of the boys attention" lucie said, pointing at Micheal. I look around to see him staring at me, I smile but he quickly turns away.

"Is it alright if I go talk to him yewande" I asked her.

"Yes ofcourse babe, but just to warn you he seems like a heartbreaker" she whispered the last bit.

"Ok, ok, thank you" I say rushing of. I walk up to Micheal and ask him for a chat.

"You alright" he said as we walked to the fire pit.

"Yeah, I'm fine, saw you looking at me so I thought might pull him for a chat" I say, laughing while looking at him. He looked straight ahead.

"Are you sure I was looking at you, the trees abound you where very nice" he said laughing looking at me.

"Hmm, I'm about 97% sure you was staring at me" I say sitting down on the sofa thing. I put my arms out in front of the fire place, warming them up.

"Hmm, interesting that" he said while smirking. He sat down next to me, putting his arm of the sofa head thing behind me.

"So what's your situation then" I asked him, getting straight to the piont. I've always been like this I don't like to waffle on about nothing.

"Wow, straight to the point not even a how are you" he said laughing, I rolled my eyes at him, "well, me and yewande are coupled up, but I don't really know if I like her, we haven't talked much, so I'm deafenitly open to get to know other people"

"have you told her this" I asked. I turned to face him now.

"yes, we had a chat about it earlier" he answered.

"ok, ok good"I say while laughing.

"why are you laughing" he asked while laughing at me.

"I have no idea"I say, making us laugh harder.

"so your a model huh"he asked, while smirking.

"mmm, what about it" I say, smirking back at him.

"tell me the most famous person you've worked with" he asked me, his full attention on me.

"um probably, Kendall Jenner" I say. I laughed at his shocked expression.

"no way, so your a model model" he said.

"I guess, what about you, what do you do" I asked him.

"I'm a firefighter" he said confidently.

"really, I always wanted to go in a fire truck when I was younger" I say, in a excited voice.

"I don't think, anyones ever been this happy about knowing I'm a firefighter" Micheal said laughing.

"well I get excited over most things" I say, clapping my hands.

"Orr you know we have good body's" he said while smirking. I felt a blush form on my cheeks so I turned around not wanting him to see it. He laughed.

"N- no, I just always wanted to go in a fire struck" I stuttered. Turning round to face him again, "have you ever saved someone from a fire.

"26 times" he said, cockily.

"Someone's cocky, and you remember the number" I say laughing.

"Hey, that's an achievement, that should be remembered" he explained, while laughing.

"Mmm, anyway we should probally see what everyone's else is up to" I say, grabbing his hand and walking towards the main part of the villa. Once we got in eyesore of everyone I let go of his hand. We kept talking while walking.


"I'm so tired" I say as I get into bed.

"Thought you was a party girl" anton said as he walked past my bed.

"Just because Im tired, doesn't mean I'm not a party girl" I say, while laughing.

"We will see tomorrow night" anton said while laughing.

"Yes you will party Adrianna is coming out" I shout, putting my hands in the air. Everyone laughed at me and cheered.

"Well night people"

Word count: 867
Next chapter gets entertaining

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