the aftermath

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"morning everybody"curtis says, making me groan and put the quilt over my head.

"morning ria" micheal said taking the quilt from the bed.

"i hate u" i say sitting up on the bed and giving him a death stare. he jumps on me making me scream.

"stop, stop" i say laugh, "i can't breath"

"alr alr" he says getting off me, not before giving me a peck.

"imma go get ready, bye bitches" i say walking out the room making them all laugh.


"how u feeling" i ask lucie, while all the girls were sat around giving her advice.

"it just feels quite doesn't it" lucie says.

"he was such a big part like he was such a big part of u" amber says, making a few of us nod.

"he was such a big character" i say.

"and a big part of ur life in here so with him not around u all the time it's gonna feel even more quite" anna says.

"i hate talking bout stuff" she says.

"i know it's hard to open up and stuff" Maura says.

"it's just that i don't know what he would do right now" lucie says making all of us interrupt her.

"it's not about that, it's ur decision" i say.

"u can't think like that, he was never in that decision" maura explains

"if u think someone else walked in ur type ud give them a chance" molly asked making lucie think for a while.

"not at this moment"lucie says

"what ever u decided we'll support u" molly reassures her.

"imma go have a shower" lucie says walking off.

"imma sit here all day i'm not moving" i say, laying on the bean bag with my hand over my eyes shading my eyes from the sun.

"same never moving, glueing myself here" molly said making me laugh.

tommy and jordan joined us after a while.

"maura how much do u love sex" tommy asked her making me laugh.

"well i've only slept with 5 people"

"what" me and molly said at the same time, shocked as all she does is talk bout sex.

"u are messing" molly said.

"yh, hello i was in a 9 yr relationship and a 2 year relationship" maura explained, "how would i have slept with anymore"

"omg" i say.

"jesus christ really" molly gasps

"is everyone else so shocked" maura asked

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