someones jealous

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i wake up when the lights turn on, i admire micheal while playing with his hair.

"it's rude to stare" he says making me blush. he turns round to face me.

"kiss" he says pointing at his lips making me laugh. i give him a peck before getting out of bed.

"where u going" he asks now sitting up.

"to go get ready duh" i say making him groan before laying back down making me laugh. i got ready for the day before walking downstairs.

"i've made u a coffee" micheal says randomly making me scream, him and anton burst out laughing while i stand there frowning.

"it's not funny, thank u for the coffee tho" i say, reaching for the coffee but he pulls it away making me give him a confused face. he smirk at me making me roll my eyes knowing what he wanted. i give him a peck before getting my coffee.

"ugh, i don't miss this at all" anton moans making micheal laugh, while wrapping his arm around my waist.

"well to fucking bad" i say.


"i've got a text" greg shouts from the beanbags, "islanders, it's time to find out how well you really know your other half in todays couples challenge. #listenup #whenyouknowyouknow"

"we have to win yk" i say when me and micheal walk over to the sofa to get to know each other. 

"i know loads about u" he says making me raise my eyebrows at him.

"gowan then"

"ur fav flower is a tulip, u hate gold jewellery, u hate when people grab hold of u, u hate wasps, u love paddle boarding and u love my tattoos" he says making me blush.

"aww ur so whipped" i say before kissing him, he depends the kiss but i pull away after realising we have to win this challenge.

"no no no, we don't have time for that, right craziest place u've had sex" i ask him.

"a horse stable"

"pool table " i say making him nod.

"u look so good in blue" micheal says making me smile at him for a second before i remind myself of the competition.

"no stop"

"fine, fav sex position, actually i know that" he says while smiling making me slap his chest

"fav body part to be kissed"


"neck but u know that"

"let the games begin" curtis shouts making me and micheal get up and walk towards the fire pit. the girls sit with the girls and the boy sit with the boys.

"what is the name of ur girls parents" belle asks since her and anton was hosting, we all start writing on our boards.

"Victoria and David" Michael says when belle asks him.

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