final date

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"morning" micheal says kissing my forehead before getting out of the bed. molly gets into my bed sitting up making me do the same.

"u okay" she asks making me nod.

"yeah it's just different without her" i says.


"come on u two, not time for moping, it's time to look good" maura says. imma and molly laugh at her before following her to the dressing room.


micheals pov:

"ria u can fall asleep it's fine" i say when i see adria trying not to fall asleep on me. she nods before closing her eyes, leaning into me more. i start to play with her hair.

"u alright" tommy asks when him and molly walk over to us pulling a beam bag along. they place them down before sitting on em.

"be quite mate, adrias asleep" i tell him making molly smile at me.


"she really likes u, like really likes u" she tells me making me smile while looking at adria.

"bro ur so in love with her it's kinda disgusting" anton says while coming over.

"thanks mate" i say making anton laugh a bit.

"i think it's cute" molly says.

"she loves u like a lot tho, she's die for u swear" anton said making me look at adria, still playing with her hair.

"she fell hard bro" tommy tells me.

"so did he, look at him, whipped" anton shouts making all of them laugh.


adrianna pov:

"adrianna and micheal it's time for u to set sail for your final date. #makingwaves #allatsea" micheal reads our making everyone aww.

"what am i going to wear" i say when the girls drag me upstairs.

"just wear a cute bikini cover up" molly suggests making me pull out a set.

"that's cute" she tells me.

"are u excited" maura asks.

"yeah, this is our first date since everything happened so i am proper excited" i tell them.

"do u recon your come home a taken lady" belle asks.

"i don't think so tbf" i tell them making them shrug.

"ready" molly asks. i nod making all of us head downstairs.

"have the best time" mauras says. me and micheal walk out of the villa hand in hand.


"omg this is so cute" i say when we get in the boat.

"not as cute as u" he says making both of us burst out laughing.

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