public thoughts

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"morning" anton shouts while jumping on our bed making me groan.

"fuck off" i shout making everyone laugh

"adria i thought u loved me, i'm ur brother man" he says jokingly.

"fuck off anfon before i smack the shit out of u" i tell him. he laughed before getting off the bed taking the quilt with him. i sit up giving him a death stare.

"ignore him ria, stop being a cunt anton" micheal says making me stick my tongue out at anton.

"see even ur bestfriend picks me over u" i tell him.

"that's just cuz u fuck him" he says.

"ur just jealous anton" i say while getting out of bed walking away.

"u don't know what goes on when ur not around adrianna" he shouts making me turn round and look at him confused.

"anton stop putting things in her head man" micheal says smacking him round the head while everyone else laughed at the three of us.

"go and fuck belle, stay away from my man" i say before walking off to get ready for the day.


"message, breakfast" ovie shouts making all of us walk over to him to see him and india made breakfast for all of us.

"omg, thanks babes" i say giving india a hug.

"i've got text, chris and harley, you are heading out for ur first date, please get ready to leave the villa. #dontbekneady #bakinglove" chris read out making all of us aww.

"i don't get to eat my eggs man" chris says.

"i'll have em" i say making him smack my hand away from his plate.

"alright calm down" i tell him.

"bye guys love u" maura shouts. them two walk out of the villa.


"ria come in the pool" micheal shouted making me shake my head at him.

"ur coming in the pool" he says getting out making me run. he grabs me making me scream.

"pls micheal, please, i love you, i'm begging u, don't put me in that pool" i say just before he dropped me. i swim up to the surface.

"fuck u" i say before he jumps in splashing me. he  swims up to me giving me a kiss.

"hey guys" anton said coming out of no where making me roll my eyes.

"why are u annoying me today" i say making him laugh

"it's fun seeing u get all angry, plus i'd isn't so it for ages cuz u was all sad and that" he says.

"ur a dickhead" i tell him making him and micheal laugh at me.

"we're back" harley shouts making all of us shout hello. the three of us get out the pool to go and ask about the dates.

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