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Finds it funny that this is the third chapter and yet this story is nowhere. 

Here we go!!!!

Also, I'm not a doctor, so let me know if I fuck this up royally.

Wilbur was editing a video when he heard a weird knock on his door. 

Yes he was editing videos at two in the morning, what about it? Not everyone was normal with a normal sleep schedule. 

Besides, he only did this like........ every few days. 

He's fine. 

Anyways, he was listening to Hamilton when he heard an odd banging on his door. 

"What the-" WIlbur wondered who would banging on his door at...... Oh, it's two in the morning. 

He hadn't realized. 

Wilbur walked downstairs and heard an odd noise from the other side of the door. It had a vague similarity to Dream's signature wheeze, almost like.............

Someone was struggling to breathe. 

Wilbur's eyes widened and he flung the door open. There was a little girl, eyes half closed and glazed, sliding down the wall with her hand grabbing at her chest desperately. 

"Help- me-" she croaked, her eyes closing. 

"Holy shit!" Wilbur exclaimed. He quickly grabbed the little girl, who was surprisingly light, and sprinited inside. 

Wilbur dropped the small girl on the couch, making sure she was still breathing a little. Wilbur raced upstairs, praying the inhaler was still in the same spot. 

Wilbur's sister had asthma, so Wilbur had an emergency inhaler, just in case. 

He never thought a strange kid would show up at his doorstep. 

"Please work, please work, please work." Wilbur prayed, shaking the inhaler and running back to the girl. 

He gave her a puff from the inhaler but it wasn't working. Wilbur shook it again, giving her another puff. "Come on, come on..." 

Her breathing began to even out." 

Wilbur let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank the gods." he whispered. 

Fricken Techno, getting mythology in his head. 

"What the hell do I do now?" Wilbur asked himself. 

This girl was breathing, but she wasn't awake, and Wilbur had no friggin clue who she was. What the hell was he supposed to do with a random child who showed up on his doorstep? This was basically kidnapping! 

Wilbur realized. Despite all the jokes that were made, Phil really was the responsible dad of the server. Maybe he'd have an idea of what the hell to do if a random child showed up on his door. 

Wilbur pulled out his phone, dialing up Phil. 

"Wilbur it is two thirty in the fucking morning. What the hell are you calling me for?" 

Oh yeah...... That. 

"This is going to sound really strange." Wilbur said. 

"Wil, if you're arrested because a music video went wrong, again, I'm leaving your ass in prison. I'm not flying down to bust your ass out of-" 

"Phil, let the man talk." Wilbur heard Kristen say. "Well, put him on speaker, then let him talk. Wilbur? What's up?" 

"Hi Kristen. So...... um....... I ........... If you think someone had an asthma attack, but you're not sure, and they're breathing fine now, should you take them to the hospital?" 


"Wil, context please." Phil said. 

"Are they awake?" Kristen asked. 

"Uh..... no?" Wilbur replied. 

"Wil!" Phil interrupted. "Why are you asking us this?" he demanded again. 

"Well... I was editing a video and-" 

"Why weren't you asleep?" Phil asked. 

"Not all of us are old and don't have shitty sleep schedules." Wilbur replied. "Anyways, I heard this weird knock and when I opened my door, there was a little girl struggling to breathe! I have an emergency inhaler so I used that and her breathing evened out. She's sleeping or reoxygenating or something but she's not awake and I don't know what the hell to do or if I should take her to the hospital or who she is and I am freaking out right now and-" 

"Wil, take a breath." Phil interrupted. "I'm..... I don't think you should take her to the hospital just yet. Remember she's out at two a.m. for a reason. We need to figure out her story. If she's in danger, we need to protect her. If she doesn't wake up by tomorrow, then take her to the hospital. For now, try and make her more comfortable." 

"Right." Wilbur said. "And uh, how do I do that?" 

Phil sighed. "That's it. I'm getting on the next plane and flying over. You cannot do this alone." 

"No I can't!" Wilbur cried. 

"Breathe Wilbur." Kirsten reminded him. "Try to make sure she's lying comfortably. If you can, elevate her chest a little by making her lie at an angle. And make sure she's covered by a blanket." 

"Yeah, alright." Wilbur murmured. He covered the girl with a blanket and readjusted her to make her more comfortable. 

"Now, try and get some sleep, but stay close so you can be alerted if she wakes up. Phil will be down there as soon as possible. You'll be alright." Kristen promised. 

Wilbur was a single, twenty something old Minecraft streamer who's income was 90% based on a Minecraft server where he pretended to be a happy ghost. He didn't know how to cook and could barely keep himself alive! He was not going to be alright! 

Breathe, Wilbur. 

"Yeah, o-okay. And, um, what do I do if she does wake up?" Wilbur inquired. 

"You feed her, make sure she has water, see if she's comfortable and you try to get her story." Phil answered dryly. 

"Don't pry." Kristen added. "You don't want to make her uncomfortable. Just see what you can find out." 

"Oh holy shit." Wilbur breathed. 

He'd been wondering what the girl was even wearing, since he hadn't looked. He pulled back the blankets, and saw a thin t-shirt with arms covered in bruises and scars. Her legs had short shorts covered by similar markings like her arms. 

"What's wrong Wil?" Phil asked. 

"She, um, her arms and legs are all bruised and scarred. She's really thin too." Wilbur recovered the girl with the blanket. 

"She may have been abused, Wil." Kristen said. "She may have ran away from an abusive home. We'll need to figure her story out as soon as possible in order to help her however we can." 

"Okay. Okay. Alright. I'm... I'm going to let you sleep." Wilbur said, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for waking you up." 

"It's alright, mate." Phil said. 

"We know you needed advice." Kristen added. "Call us if you need anything. Goodnight!" 

Wilbur bid them good night and looked at the girl. "What on earth am I going to do with you?" he whispered. 

Of course, no answer. Wilbur sighed and sat down next to her. Despite a great lack of sleep, it took him a while to slip into slumber. 


Yooooo a thousand words pog. 

And y'all got Mumza so that's even more pog. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay kind. 

You are loved!!!!

It's twelve a.m.


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