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It had been hours. 


Technoblade was starting to lose it. 

Okay, he did lose it. Lose it lose it. He was not okay.

Phil touched his shoulder, jerking him out of his zone. "You alright?" he asked.

Techno realized he was crying. "I-I... I'm fine."

"Your brain is going to the worst possible place, isn't it?" Phil wondered patiently. Niki had gone to find some coffee.

Techno nodded. "Get out of there," Phil commanded. "Pay attention to what did happen, not what hasn't happened."

"We don't know that!" Techno cried. "We know nothing! Why is it taking so long!? Why have we heard nothing?"

He curled into a tighter ball and started gripping his hair. Phil knew he was going into a more stressful space. Techno did that sometimes. 

Phil gently grabbed Techno's wrists. "Let go," he murmured. "Come on Tec. Let go."

Techno slowly let go, letting Phil guide his shaking hands down to his lap. "It's going to be okay," Phil promised. 

"How do you know?" Techno asked. "How do you know she won't..."

"Techno, no." Phil promised. "Okay? She's going to be okay, I promise."

"How do you know?" Techno repeated.

"I do because she's Addison. I knew during the fire, the car crash, and I know now." Phil gave him a gentle smile. "She's going to be okay." 

Suddenly, three blurs came racing up to Phil. "Where is she?" Tubbo demanded. Ranboo and Tommy were right behind him. "Tommy told us what happened. Have you heard anything? Is she alright?"

Phil shook his head. "We haven't heard anything," he replied.

Ranboo sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Okay... So we're waiting?" he asked. 

Phil nodded. "And... trying not to panic."

"How's that going?" Tommy wondered. Techno laughed dryly. 

Niki walked up with three cups of coffee. "Oh hey Ranboo, Toby, Tommy," she greeted. "Thanks for coming." 

"Of course, we came as soon as we were told," Ranboo said, wrapping his arm around Niki's shoulders. "Anything for Addison, and we figured you could use the company." 

Phil nodded. "You were definitely right," he agreed. 


Another. Two. Hours. 


Finally, finally, a nurse walked up to the group. "Is anyone here Addison Haynes guardian?" 

Phil nodded. "That would be me, Phil Watson." 

She nodded. "Addison did suffer from blood loss. The knife hit a main artery, and we had to give her quite a few stitches. She's resting now, but you can see her." 

Phil smiled. "She'll be okay, right?" 

"We'd like to keep her here overnight, in order to watch for infection, since that is still a concern. However she is showing no signs of infection and should be able to go home tomorrow." 

"So we can see her?" Techno asked hurriedly. 

She smiled and nodded. "Right this way, just make sure you're quiet. We had to numb her, simply because she could have panicked when we took the blade out, so she's a little... loopy right now." 

"Addison's high?" Tommy demanded with a grin. 

"Leave it to you..." Ranboo sighed. 

"Also, only a couple of you should go at a time," the nurse finished. 

"Me, Techno, Niki," Phil said easily. "If y'all are okay with that." 

"Yeah, stitches, blood... not my thing," Tommy replied. "You can go, we'll wait here." 

Ranboo and Tubbo nodded in agreement, and the group separated, Phil, Niki, and Techno following the nurse to a small room. 

Addison was lying in a bed and giggling. She perked up when the three stepped into the room. "Hi Grandza!" she beamed. "How are youuuuuuuuuuu?" 

Phil tried so hard not to laugh. "I'm good, Addy. How are you feeling?" 

"I was sleepy for a while and then they gave me something and now I'm just," Addison flapped her hands in explanation. 

"Glad to see you're still with us, orphan," Techno grinned, looking relieved. 

"Well of course, I die less than you do," Addison giggled. 

Niki came closer. "Are you sure you're feeling okay? Do you need anything?" 

"I'm fine," Addison said. "Can I have a hug?" 

"Of course!" Niki exclaimed. She wrapped her arms around Addison, careful of her IV and other wires. "It's going to be okay," she whispered to the girl. 

"I'm sleepy," Addison whispered back. 

Niki laughed. She could tell how out of it Addison was, but it was eleven at night and the kid was probably tired. "Why don't you get some rest, we'll be right outside if you need us, okay?" 

"We love you, kid," Phil said, and they left the room. 


The next day, Addison was cleared to go home. 

She was less drugged and was pretty much hungover, like exhausted. Addison barely looked up as Niki entered the room. Niki smiled gently. "Tired?" she asked. 

"Mmmmmmmmm..." was the kid's only answer. 

"Okay okay, let's bust you out of here, shall we?" Niki smiled. "Phil's signing you out and Techno's doing... something." 

"That's terrifying." Addison smiled tiredly. 

"Let's just head home, yeah?" Niki led Addison downstairs. 


I wish I had a heart... but I don't. 

I want the next thing to be it's own chapter. So this is going out a little bit shorter so you guys can pretend like I'm not going to do something sadistic in the name of plot. 

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 



Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now