Awakening? Sure....

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Addison awoke in a strange unrecognizable room covered by a blanket. 

With a stranger sleeping beside her. 

I'm really sorry I have no idea how the hell to write that better calm the fuck down. 

At first glance, he didn't look evil or mean. He had brown curly hair, and was just wearing sweats and a hoodie. He looked peaceful enough. 

Addison grabbed the edge of the man's hoodie and twirled it between her fingers. She quite enjoyed sensory object and feeling and fidgeting with different textures, especially soft ones. Something she was often beaten for..... 

Suddenly, the man shifted and groaned. Addison felt fear shoot through her, and she crawled to the other side of the couch, curling into a ball. He's going to be so mad at me. She thought. He's going to hurt me. 

The man sat up quickly, too quickly. Addison flinched, trying not to cry and trying to ignore the fear in her chest. 

"You're awake!" he exclaimed. "Hey! It's okay! Shit. Shit shit shit. Don't cry! It's okay! You're safe I promise!" 

The more desperate the stranger got the louder he got, and the more Addison cried. He stopped, and she was curled into a ball, sobbing. "Please don't hurt me!" she cried. 

The stranger put his hand on Addison's shoulder. Addison violently flinched, but the man didn't stop. He pulled her closer......

Into a hug? 

Addison froze. A hug? Why wasn't he hurting her? 

She let go, curling into a tighter ball and sobbing. The man kept whispering her. "Shhhh. It's okay. You're safe. You're going to be alright." 

Addison took a shaky breath. She looked up at the man holding her, and he smiled kindly. 

"My name's Wilbur." he murmured. 

"A-Addison." she mentally kicked herself for stuttering, another trait she'd been beaten for. 

"Um..... You want some water?" Wilbur asked. 

Addison sat up. "Y-Yes please, sir." 

Wilbur gave her a small gentle smile and motioned for her to stay. He came back with a cup. "Here." he said. "And you don't have to call me sir. Wilbur or Wil's fine. Better than what my friend calls me." 

"And what's that?" Addison inquired. 

Wilbur smiled. "Who, Tommy? Shit head. I call him gremlin child though, so I suppose we're even." 

"Is he?" Addison asked. 


"Is he a gremlin?" 

Wilbur laughed. "Yeah, I suppose." 

Addison set the empty cup down. Her eyes started to droop closed. 

Wilbur smiled and watched as the tired girl leaned into him. 

Maybe.... Maybe this wasn't so bad. 

Gosh this is short. 


Hey next chapter we have Dadza vibes so....... that's pog. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay kind. 

You are loved!


Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now