Addison's pov now

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Addison struggled awake. Her eyelids were fluttering, but she couldn't do much more. She'd been trying all day to wake up, since she knew that she was alive. She had to be! 

"Addison? You can do it! Just open your eyes!" 

Addison fluttered her eyes again, trying to wake up. She actually did it, and her eyes blinked open. A silhouette was sitting beside her. "You're awake." they whispered. "Can you hear me?" 

Addison looked around, trying to get her bearings. "You're in the hospital." the person said. "Do you remember?" 

Addison blinked. Wilbur? she thought. "W-Wil?" she stuttered. 

"Yes." he whispered. "Yes Addison. It's me! It's Wilbur! I'm right here!" 

Addison's eyes adjusted to the light, finally. She saw Wilbur's soft hair and kind smiled. His hair looked ruffled and messy though, and there were dark circles under his eyes. 

"How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" 

"I... I don't know." Addison whispered. "I'm so lost right now. What happened?" 

"There was a fire." Wilbur replied. "Do you remember?" 

Addison nodded, coughing. "W-W-Water." she stuttered. 

"Here." Wilbur helped her drink. "Guess who's here." he said. 


"The entire SMP." Wilbur grinned. "They heard what happened and all flew here to support you." 

"Seriously?" Addison breathed. "Everyone?" 

Wilbur nodded. "Everyone." 

Addison looked down at herself. "Uh.... What happened?" 

Wilbur sighed. He knew what she meant. Both her arms were badly burnt and wrapped in gauze. Her legs and chest were covered in a light blanket, and those were burnt too. 

"You were terribly burnt in the fire." Wilbur said. "Addy... What happened? How did the fire start?" 

Tears welled in Addison's eyes. "I... I'm sorry! It was an accident, I swear! I didn't mean to start the ovens on fire! I accidentally burned the cakes and panicked! Please don't be mad at me! I-" She broke off, coughing. 

"Shhhh>" Wilbur brushed Addison's hair from her face. "Shhh." he whispered. "Breathe. It's okay. I don't blame you. What were you doing to start a fire?" 

"I wanted to make you a cake." Addison admitted. "Like the ones we see on KBC." 

"Awwwww." Wilbur grinned. "That is adorable. Alright, here's the deal. When we rebuild the kitchen, you and I are going to bake a cake together. Deal?" 

Addison nodded. "Promise you're not mad?" she whispered. 

"I'm not mad." Wilbur reassured. "Can I ask one question?" 

Addison nodded again. 

"Cake's any good?" 

Addison laughed. "I burned them." she admitted. 

They both laughed. "Are you ready?" Wilbur asked. 

"Ready for what?" 

"The SMP." Wilbur replied. "They all want to see you. They're worried about you." 

Addison frowned. "Are we able to call here?" 

Wilbur smiled. "Oh no no no. You misunderstand. They're here." He opened the door. 

And one by one the entire DSMP shuffled in. 

Seriously. Dream, George, Tommy, Phil (Obvi), Antfrost, Sam, Bad, Captain puffy, Connor, Foolish, Fundy, Sapnap, Niki, Jack, Karl, Hannah, Ponk, Punz, Purpled, Quackity, Ranboo, Sapnap, Skeppy, Techno, Tubbo, Eret, Hbomb, Callahan, Jschlatt, Minx....

No disrespect if I missed someone.

"Holy shit..." Addison whispered. 

"Language muffin!" Bad said. 

"How are you?" Phil asked. 

"Are you alright?" "Are you hurt?" "Do you need anything?" "We heard you got in a fire!" "Is anything burning?" "Are you okay?" "We're here for you Addison!" "We love you!"

"Everyone stop!" Wilbur shouted. "One at a time, please!" 

"I'm okay." Addison smiled, but it seemed weak. "I'll be alright." 

"You must be in a lot of pain." Nihachu said sympathetically. "Can we get you anything?" 

"No. I'm okay." Addison replied. "Thank you guys for coming." 

"Of course!" Tommy grinned. "We would always come for you. We love you." 

"PLATONICALLY!" Tubbo added. 

Everyone laughed. Addison yawned. "Oh, you must be getting tired." Sam said. 

"N-No I can stay awake." Addison said, trying to stifle another yawn.

"No." Phil and Wilbur said firmly. "You need rest." Phil added. 

"We'll see you later. We're not leaving until we bust you out of this place." Sapnap grinned. "However long that takes." 

"Get some rest." Wilbur said, brushing Addison's hair away and kissing her forehead. "We'll be here when you wake up." 

Addison obliged, falling asleep. 

------------------------- Pov switch 

Wilbur sat outside her room with a sigh. 

"She's going to be okay." Phil said to him. 

"Is she?" Wilbur asked. "She's alive, but they don't know... there's so much they don't know." How well she was going to be able to use her limbs, they didn't know. Whether or not she'd ever not be in burning pain, they didn't know. They didn't know!

"Yes, but we know." Phil said. Tommy sat next to Wilbur on the ground. "We know because she's Addison. She's going to fight like hell to get back to who she was. You just have to trust." 

"I'm scared." Wilbur whispered. 

"I know." Phil said. Tommy put his arm around Wilbur's shoulders. "But it's going to be okay." 

"It's going to be okay." 


We done! Next chapter soon, once I figure out what I'm writing. 

Anyways, stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 



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