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TW; Underage drinking mentions, as well as normal drinking. Accidental abandonment


Chat is italicized btw.

Phil and Addison started the stream. "Hey guys!" Addison grinned. "Phil's letting me stream today because I'm mad at him." 

Phil looked over at her, fake hurt. "I thought we agreed you wouldn't talk about that on stream!" he said. 

"Oh I'm talking about it." Addison laughed. "I feel forgotten." 

"I said I was sorry!" Phil cried. "Repeatedly!" 

What's happening?
Why does Addy feel forgotten? 
Phil what's going on? 

Addison laughed. "Phil forgot me at a bar." 

"I didn't mean to!" Phil defended. "I thought Techno had you." 

"Clearly!" Addison exclaimed. "That was so funny!" 

Phil left Addy? 
At a bar?! 
Holy shit...😆😆😆

Phil sighed. "Yeah yeah chat. Laugh it up." 

Addison grinned. "Let me tell you what happened." 


"So Phil had put a lot of research into a underage friendly pub that I could go to while the adults... did adult things. Since I can't exactly be left alone at home." 

Phil ended up finding a really pretty one. It had a garden in the back and a lot of people took their kids there and they'd all hang out. One comment on the bar said that their kid kept getting weird looks whenever he'd ask 'Can we go to the bar?' Phil thought it was perfect. 

So literally the entire SMP came...

And drank...

And got drunk...

And it was... interesting... 

Addison was often playing in the garden. She was there when Tommy threw up. 

"Oh geez." Phil sighed. "Come on boys. It's time we headed home." 

--"Okay okay. It was a lot of drunk people and I was stressed out, okay!" 

"I know Philza."--

So Philza thought that Techno had taken Addison, since Techno didn't have as many people in his car, and Techno was the only person who could get Addison in the car without the ramp.

Techno thought Phil had Addison, since he had a sick Tommy and Tubbo, and Phil had the wheelchair tailored van with the ramp. 

They were both wrong. 

You're kidding!
They left you?!
Wowwwwwwwwww... Not Dadza...

So Addison had been playing with the other kids for about a forty five minutes since she'd last checked in with Phil. She'd been playing hide and seek with the other kids, and she'd lost track of time. The only reason she went into the bar was because she was thirsty. She didn't know if she could ask for water from the bar, so she went to find Phil. 

Clementine, of course, went with her. Addison rolled through the bar, trying to find Phil. There were a few more people than there had been when the group first came, so Addison was a bit more anxious. Clementine knew, and stuck close, not letting anyone pet her, especially since she was wearing her service dog vest. 

"Excuse me?" the bartender asked. "Are you lost?" 

---"What's the female of bartender? Bartendess?" 

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now