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Tw for the rest of the book since I'm lazyyyyy. Hospitals, blood, mentions of all the last chapters, Neuro divergence/age regression, paralysis, epilepsy

If any of those trigger you, get out. This is your last warning. 

There's also a lot of dialogue so it's a little confusing but you'll figure it out. It's a writing technique. 

Also, come on. I would not kill my own oc. Even I'm not that evil. 




"Wait, who's in the hospital?" 

"Is his daughter okay?" 

"Oh my god. Yes. Of course. I'll be right there." 

"Chat, I have to go. I have to leave right now!" 

"What the fuck?" 

"Is Phil alright?" 

"I'll call him." 


"Tommy, get off the stream." 

"What? What's wrong?" 

"We have to go!" 




"Techno? What's going on?" 

"Addison and Wilbur were in a car crash. They're in the hospital. Phil's going now." 

"I'm going too!" 

"We're all going." 


Addison was exhausted. 

Her mind was blank, her world was dark, and she was sick of being in pain. And in pain she was. Every part of her body was in pain. 

In theory, Addison was in her subconscious. At least, that's what she thought. She remembered the crash and then it all went dark. But she didn't know. Maybe she was dead. 

She was scared. 

There were three doors. Red, white, and yellow. The red one amplified her pain by 1,000%. The white one, well she was scared to go through that one. 

Addison didn't try the yellow one, not at first. She was scared to. Whenever she walked towards it she felt... lighter. 

Then she gave up, and tried to open the door. 

"She's seizing!" Addison heard someone cry. 

Addison let go of the doorknob. She didn't like how she felt, opening that door. It was shaky and weird and she didn't want that. 

She closed her eyes, curling up on the ground and crying. 


"Hey kid." 

Addison opened her eyes. She was still in the same place with the stupid doors. All she could do was hear. 

Someone sighed. Their voice was deep. "I... I don't even know if you can hear me. The doctors said that you may be able to... Oh fuck this. We need you, orphan. Everyone's here." 

"We need you to be alive Addison. We need you to wake up. Me and Phil and Tommy and Dream, everyone." 

"It's been a month, Addison. I don't know how much longer they can keep going like this. Tommy barely eats, Phil barely sleeps, we're all losing ourselves. We need you." 

A month? Addison thought. She had no idea where the time had gone. 

"We had to keep you sedated for a while... Now it's all up to you. But we need you here, kid." 


"Oh... Hey Phil. I didn't realize you were here." 

"Talking to Addy?" 

"I don't know." It was a whisper. "What if she can't hear us, Phil? What if she's too far gone?" 

"The doctors say they both have a chance. We have to believe them." 

"What if they're wrong..." 

"We don't have another option!" Phil was starting to sound frantic. "She has to be here! She is here! They're not going to die! No one is going to die!" 

"You have to think rationally!" Techno protested. "The odds alone... I'm just trying to prepare everyone!"

"We have to have hope!" 

"It's been a month, Phil! Even if they wake up, who knows what they're going to be like! What if we've lost them? Just think rationally for one second and think!"  

"I don't want to think rationally!" Phil screamed. "She cannot die! She is not going to die!" 

"Stop it." a woman's voice snapped. "Enough. Both of you. You're acting like children, and we do not need that right now." 

"Sorry..." Techno whispered. 

"Yeah, sorry Puffy." Phil said. 

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to!"

Addison had heard enough. She was sick and tired of just laying there. She wanted out and she wanted out now! 

But which door? Addison tried putting her hand on the yellow door, because that door made her feel weird, maybe she was waking up? 

"She's seizing again!" Techno cried. "Go get the doctor!" 

Seizing? What?

Addison couldn't figure it out, as the door fell away from her and it all went black. 


Short chapter pog!!!!!

I just didn't want anything to happen this chapter.

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 

I say after a freaking car crash chapter geez. 

You are loved!!!!


PS. I just finished my other story (Shameless plug) so hopefully I'll spend more time on this story. I also am finally at the part I want (cause sadist) so I'll start actually writing probably...

Addison- A FatherSoot OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now