I should probably title this huh?

940 27 51

tw; concussion, stitches, hospital, crying, lots of yelling, mentions of past abandonment, adults just trying to hurt each other. 


Wilbur burst into the hospital. "Where is she?" he demanded. 

He'd driven to the hospital as fast as he possibly could, trying to get to Addison. His thoughts were spinning a tornado in his brain. Is she okay? Is she hurt? There's no way she's not hurt. What happened? She said she'd be safe! Hazel promised me Addison would be safe. What happened? How could Addison have gotten hurt? How could Hazel let her get hurt? What happened? Why didn't Addy tell me anything? Just come to the hospital? What if Addison's not even hurt? What if it's Hazel? Addison will be heartbroken. But she'll be okay. I can help her with heartbreak. What could have possibly happened? Hazel wouldn't have done anything dangerous, would she? 

​Wilbur zeroed into a nurse. "You have to help me. I'm looking for my daughter, Addison Haynes? She called me and told me to come but I don't know where she is or how bad it is either. Is she badly hurt? Is she-"

"Addison Haynes is one floor up." The nurse answered, hurrying away.

Rude. Wilbur thought. Maybe she just didn't want to deal with a frantic Wilbur...

Wilbur sprinted upstairs a level, hoping to see someone who could help him. Instead, he saw Hazel.

Hazel was perfectly fine, but where was Addison?

Hazel stood when she saw Wilbur. "Where is she?" Wilbur demanded scathingly.

"She's that way." Hazel said. "They're not letting me see her since I'm not exactly her parent."

Wilbur started walking the way Hazel pointed, who followed. "I don't know what happened!" she said. "We were at the park and I looked away for a minute and she was on the ground bleeding! I rushed her to the ER and they took her away and no one's letting me see her!"

Wilbur ignored her, bursting into Addison's room. "Daddy!" Addison cried.

"Addison." Wilbur breathed. He ran forward, cupping Addison's head in his hands, examining her forehead. She had a towel against her forehead, covering a scratch. "Oh gosh. What happened? How did this happen? Are you okay? How bad does it hurt? Did you get hurt anywhere else?"

"I'm okay. Kind of." Addison said.

"We waited until her parent was here in order to give her stitches." The doctor in the room said. "She'll need several for the cut in her head, as well as her knee."

"Her knee?" Wilbur asked. Sure enough, Addison's jeans were ripped. There was a bloody gash and she had a bit of gauze covering it. "Holy shit..." he whispered, then pulling himself together. "Alright. You ready Addy?"

"Can my daddy stay with me?" Addison asked.

"Of course." Wilbur answered. "I'm not leaving you."

They had Addison lie down and she held Wilbur's hand while they stitched up her head. She was also diagnosed with a concussion. Wilbur STILL didn't know what happened.

"There." The doctor said, finishing the stitches on Addison's knee and her head. "It's all done! You did great, Addison."

Addison was crying a little still. "You did so well." Wilbur whispered. "So so so well. I'm so proud of you." 

"It hurt..." Addison whispered. 

"I know." Wilbur said. "But you did amazing. Let me talk to the doctors real quick, then we can head home." 

Wilbur walked outside, where Hazel was. "How is she?" Hazel asked. 

"FIne." Wilbur snapped. 

"I'm sorry." Hazel said. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened!" 

"What happened was my daughter got hurt." Wilbur snarled. "She has a concussion, Hazel! I thought I could trust you." 

"You can." Hazel swore. "It was a mistake, and it won't happen again." 

"No, a mistake is when you forget something. My daughter getting hurt is not just a mistake!" Wilbur cried. "Addison is my main priority. Everything I do revolves around her. I trusted you to keep her safe!" 

"I know." Hazel whispered. "And I messed up." 

"This is so beyond messing up!" Wilbur yelled. "My daughter has a concussion because of you!" 

"She's my daughter too." Hazel whispered. 

Wilbur stopped. "What?" 

"She's my daughter too." Hazel repeated. "Even if you pretend she isn't." 

"How dare you?" Wilbur demanded. "She is my daughter. I'm only letting you see her because Addison wants to. This whole thing has been in Addison's control, not mine. She wants to see you? Fine, I'll set it up. She doesn't? Fine, I'll figure out what's wrong. Don't you pin this on me.  I've been trying to help you and her have a better relationship this entire time!" 

"Then why doesn't she talk to me? Why do I have to pry every word out of her? Don't tell me that wasn't you!" 

Wilbur was shocked. "She doesn't talk to you because she's scared. And I can understand why! At least I didn't abandon her!" 

"Wow." Hazel scoffed. "There it is." 

Wilbur continued. "I took Addison in when she had nobody. And who's fault was that? Yours! You abandoned her. Not me. No wonder she's scared. She's scared you'll abandon her again!" 

Hazel looked wounded. "I know." she whispered. "I know that everything is my fault. The scars on her arms, the small scared look she has sometimes, I know it's all my fault. I wasn't right then... I was hoping I was right now." 

"Addison looks up to you. She gets so excited to come see you. She actually brushes her hair, which trust me is saying something! But you don't know that, do you? You don't know anything about her! You know nothing about your own daughter. "

"I want to get to know her." Hazel said eagerly. "I want to get to know my daughter." 

Wilbur scoffed. "You'd be lucky if I ever let you anywhere near her." 

"Fine." Hazel said, pulling something out of her purse. "I didn't want to do this, but Wilbur, I'm suing you for custody of my daughter." 



So we'll talk about what happened next chapter. 

Stay safe, stay happy, stay kind. 



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