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Jennie grabbed a champagne flute from a server. She had been forced to give out an award to her father at some Gala for administrators that their school held. She compromised with him after the Kai thing and figured this would pacify her father a little. She needed just a bit more time to get her life together before completely defying him.

Jennie and her mother were forced to stand next to him, smiling forcibly as he talked about the importance of family values and some other bullshit Jennie didn't buy. Fucking hypocrite cheater.

She downed the flute of champagne before grabbing another and dodging yet another one of her father's coworkers. She hated talking to them, they were usually in one of three categories—creepy, where they not so subtly hit on her, sexist, giving out backhanded compliments and asking her how hard it was to come to such a prestigious university and insinuating she only got in because her father was the president, or downright boring. The fact she preferred the dry boring conversations about administration and academics over the other ones spoke volumes.

These events were trash.

She decided she had made enough of an appearance that she could finally sneak out. She walked down the steps and she may have downed the champagne a little too fast because her heel got caught in one of the cracks on the bottom step and she wobbled.

She would have face planted if she hadn't flown into a body instead. Landing on top of it as they crashed to the ground. She heard a distinct oomph from under her as they landed.

"Sorry," Jennie mumbled, picking herself up. She reached a hand out to help the person she had tackled up off the ground and then cursed under her breath when she saw who it was.

Lisa refused Jennie's hand, picking herself up on her own and brushing off the dirt from her back.

"I know you hate me but did you really have to tackle me?" Lisa grumbled.

Jennie rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault you lost your balance. Aren't you supposed to be a dancer?" Jennie quipped.

"How am I supposed to keep my balance when an angry kitten flies at me full speed?"

"You're being dramatic, and I told you to stop calling me that." Jennie said, crossing her arms.

"It's not my fault that's what you look like when you're mad, which is all the time."

Jennie threw her whole weight into the punch, hitting Lisa on the shoulder.

"Ouch. This isn't helping your case." Lisa said matter of factly.

Jennie hit her again in annoyance.

"Fine, baby brat! I'll stop calling you that." Lisa said smirking, because she knew Jennie hated when Lisa called her that too.

"I said stop—" Jennie was mid swing again when Lisa caught her arm this time. Jennie didn't get to finish her sentence because they were interrupted.

"Hey Jen." Kai was standing in front of them smirking, dressed in a suit with a pretty girl looped around his arm.

"Great." Jennie muttered. Kai was always late to these things and she had hoped to avoid him altogether.

"This is my date—" Kai faltered, not remembering her name. He covered it up by taunting Jennie instead. "Where's yours, or are you not over me yet?"

"Ew." Jennie answered, making a face at him, not deigning to respond.

"Of course you're not, where would you find someone more rich and handsome than me."

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