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😅 You already know what I accidentally did again so I'm not even gonna say it.

Anyways here's the first part of the double update.

Carry on Turtle Rabbits, Baby Brat Mandus, Chipmunks, and Limarios.


"Limario." Jisoo said in greeting.

"Oh. Hey." Lisa said, pacing the room. "Do you know where Rosie is? Is she still helping Jennie? I kind of need her because if she's not back by the time the others come back I'm gonna end up getting wasted for my own wedding."

"She'll be here in a minute." Jisoo said, raising an eyebrow in question. "And how could you possibly get wasted, the wedding is like in an hour and a half? I've drank with you and you're surprisingly not a lightweight and I don't see you drinking right now anyway."

"Bambam, Jackson and Jessi are going to get me drunk at this rate because their solution for every time I panic from the nerves is to give me a shot and let me tell you, it's bad, I'm so nervous I've basically had to take one every two minutes." Lisa said, pacing harder as she continued talking and rambling.

"I guess I should thank Jimin for having the sense of shaking his head at them when they tried to give me shots of Henessy and being the voice of reason. He made them switch to champagne so that's what they've been giving me but still.

I'm so nervous that at this rate I'll finish the whole bottle of the ridiculously expensive Crystal bottle Kai gifted me. I'm pretty sure it's the same one you used to own. How'd he know about that anyway?"

"I thought you were done with all the Crystal's in the world?" Jisoo teased her.

After that night it became a running joke and they all started mispronouncing Cristal on purpose after Jennie told them about Lisa's little drunk pouty rant in their room on the day Jisoo proposed to Rosie when Jennie declared she wouldn't be sleeping with Lisa in her room that night.

They'd either point to the bottle and call it Crystal or Al depending on what gender they thought a specific bottle was.

"You forget your little bestie third wheeled with us and watched the Jenlisa reality t.v show with us for a bit too. He was there when Jennie threatened to open it and I went down there. He watched you get that flour shower from me while you protected her and I'm sure he noticed how you looked like Jennie hung up the stars for you when she cleaned you up so he asked what year that specific bottle was.

He asked me when he found out you were proposing and hunted that bottle down for you guys.

You really do need to treat that boy better, and you know that's saying a lot coming from me of all people. The things that kid has done for you. I bet he didn't even tell you he bought five bottles of the same year for tonight too and found ten bottles of the same year of the Rosé Dom Perignon you guys drank that night just to surprise you guys.

Which costs a fortune by the way. Especially because he had to have bought the Cristal and probably some of the Dom's from collectors who don't part with their treasures so easily so the price was probably even higher than normal.

That wasn't even the hard part either, the hard part would have been finding who owned the few Cristal's left in the world from that year because they were all probably owned by private collectors and it would have taken a lot of work even for a rich person, considering he's not even in that part of the rich world like that.

He was a brat but not the stuffy kind of brat that acted refined so my mom had to help him with her connections.

And I bet he didn't tell you he did it because he thought it would bring you good luck since those were the ones from the night you finally reconciled with Jennie.

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