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Stay with me kids! It's only worth it when they work for it!

Second update!


"Santos!" Lisa yelled towards the twelve year old holding a rifle when she ran into him.

He turned around and pulled his rifle up, pretending to shoot at Lisa and Lisa took a picture of him, pointing her camera straight at the barrel of his gun.

She went to show it to him and he gave her a thumbs up.

"Que guapo me veo." He said to her and Lisa knew he had a tendency to be conceited and although she didn't know exactly what he had said she knew it was something along the lines of him looking good so she snorted and shoved him.

He laughed.

Lisa decided to post that picture on her social media. She had better ones of him, of him being shot at by grown men. Drug lords. Pictures of him continuing to shoot at them even after getting shot himself.

They bonded quickly and a translator had helped him tell her his story.

She posted a snippet it of it on her instagram. She had struggled at first with the writing. She wasn't much of a writer but she thought of Jennie and how she would call her an idiot for giving up before trying so Lisa started to pretend she was just talking to Jennie when she wrote about them.

____3 months in____

Jennie was staring at her phone like she usually did at night. Lisa hadn't updated in a month.

Jennie scrolled through all of the pictures. Lisa had set up an instagram for her fellowship journey and Jennie knew the photography shots she posted on there weren't even her best ones.

She knew Lisa was saving those for her photo book or to submit them to journals and Jennie couldn't imagine what those looked like because the ones on her instagram were breathtaking. They made her feel so many things. They were sad, and heartbreaking, and heartwarming and just bleeding with emotion. They told stories even before Jennie read the captions.

Lisa had been in El Salvador a month ago, where a drug war raged and she managed to get pictures of awful things happening, of kids smiling despite their awful circumstances, of people helping each other when they should be saving themselves.

Sometimes Jennie caught a glimpse of Lisa herself. Sometimes she let herself be captured by her camera and Jennie lived for those photos, she had them all saved.

There weren't too many. There were exactly twelve pictures from her time in El Salvador with the children there. She captioned every single one with a story behind it and Jennie felt like Lisa was talking to her. Updating her on her life and the people she was meeting. Telling Jennie about the child soldiers she had found that were recruited for the drug war.

She knew all the kids Lisa had posted by heart now, she looked at those pictures so much.

Jennie had made a special instagram just so she could stalk Lisa's because she was too afraid she would accidentally like a picture with her regular account so she made a ghost account just in case.

Jennie had even gone so far as to follow a bunch of photography accounts and random people to make it more believable and even reposted their stuff on occasion. She wanted to support Lisa anyway so Jennie had liked every single post. She was usually the first one to do it anytime Lisa posted a picture.


Jennie was summoned into her father's office and she reluctantly headed in when the secretary said she could go ahead.

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