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Jisoo's mom was Jennie's father's older sister. She had given up her hefty inheritance just so she could marry Jisoo's dad. He wasn't necessarily poor. He had an above average income but the rich Kim family didn't approve of their marriage so they cut her off and gave everything to Jennie's father instead. Despite being cut off, Jisoo's mom still managed to be very successful. Even though she gave up everything she ended up starting a non profit that blew up quickly and she ended up in the same circle as her brother eventually anyway.

Naturally, because of her success with nonprofits, Jennie's father had to invite his sister and her family to his charity event that night.

Jisoo was taking Chaeyoung as her date. Jisoo really thought she was going to be the only one that was going to piss off her uncle for taking a girl as a date but apparently Jennie had actually been serious about dating Lisa and they were going together too.

Jisoo was still skeptical. She still really thought it was all some big joke until she saw Lisa walking in to the ballroom, Jennie's arm hooked around her own.

"They're actually for real?" Jisoo asked Chaeyoung incredulously.

"They look really good together." Chaeyoung said smiling. She could tell Lisa looked incredibly nervous, even from a distance.

Jennie looked just as nervous but Chaeyoung had a feeling it was more due to the fact she was with Lisa rather than from all the attention they had attracted from everyone as they walked in.

"Come on, lets go rescue our friends." Chaeyoung said, grabbing Jisoo's hand.

Jisoo nodded. She hadn't missed the way her uncle had glared at Jennie as soon as she walked in with Lisa. She may be confused about Jennie and Lisa's relationship at the moment, but she definitely wasn't confused about how miserable her uncle made Jennie feel. She wasn't about to let him terrorize her cousin already. Not when they had literally just gotten there.

Jisoo eyed Lisa up and down when they got to them. "I don't think I've ever seen you in anything other than sweats. You clean up nice Limario."

Lisa was entirely too nervous to even make a come back to that. She simply nodded.

"You look good too." Lisa mumbled, looking around nervously. There were too many eyes on them and Lisa was surrounded by rich people that were probably judging her right now.

Jisoo was even more perplexed because she'd never seen Lisa so flustered before.

"Chill Limario. It's only a bunch of old people who think they're important. No need to impress anybody."

"Are you calling me old Kim Jisoo?"

Jisoo flinched, recognizing her mother's voice.


Jisoo's mom rolled her eyes at her.

"Rosie, has she been behaving?"

Chaeyoung smiled warmly before hugging Jisoo's mom.

"Does she ever behave?" Chaeyoung said teasingly.

"Only around you apparently" Jisoo's mom quipped.

Jisoo rolled her eyes at them, she swore her mom liked her girlfriend more than her. She didn't really care though, she'd rather her mom like her girlfriend over her than her not liking Chaeyoung at all. That was pretty impossible though, everyone loved Chaeyoung.

"Jennie dear, I haven't seen you in so long, you've grown so much."

"Hi auntie!" Jennie said excitedly, hugging her favorite aunt enthusiastically. "Stop lying, I haven't gotten any taller since I was seventeen." Jennie said with a smile on her face.

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