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OT4 Date! This is technically a double update because I didn't want to split it!

Made myself super hungry writing this chapter sooooo....

PSA: Eat before you read or you'll be hangry. Unless you're a picky eater then you're probably good. Carry on!!


Lisa woke up to a clinging koala on top of her and couldn't be more content. Jennie was literally on top of her and if she didn't weigh less than two pounds like she did she would probably crush her. Lisa started stroking her naked back and Jennie stirred.

"Hmm, that's nice. You're my pillow and my massage." Jennie said sleepily.

Lisa kissed her on top of her head. She was going to roll them over, she wanted to bring Jennie breakfast in bed but Jennie squeezed her neck and almost choked her.

"I didn't tell you that you could move yet. Who said you could move?" Jennie asked grumpily.

"I was going to bring you breakfast."

"I don't need breakfast. I need cuddles."

Lisa smirked. "I do."

She flipped them around and Jennie whined.

"Noooo. Don't leave yet." She pouted, still clinging to Lisa's neck.

Lisa kissed her slowly, moving down Jennie's jawline and into her neck, taking an earlobe in.

"You're just trying to distract me with kisses." Jennie said as Lisa pulled back.

"Is it working?"


"What about now?" Lisa asked as she moved down further, kissing between the valley of Jennie's breasts and leaving open mouthed kisses on her soft toned abdomen, then her hipbones.

"Maybe." Jennie said a little breathlessly.

"And now?" Lisa asked, kissing the inside of Jennie's thighs before breathing on her center to tease her. Then placing a light kiss there.

Jennie's eyes darkened and Lisa waited until Jennie was watching to lick her fully.

"Yes." Jennie moaned.

"I told you, I needed breakfast." Lisa said as she worked Jennie up.


"Why do you guys look like you're still in the honeymoon stage." Jisoo asked them as soon as they walked in to the living room, hands linked and staring at each other goofily.

"You're still on your honeymoon stage and its been years already." Jennie pointed out, not even bothering to look at Jisoo as she responded. Lisa picked Jennie up to give her a kiss and Jennie squealed and giggled, kicking her feet out.

Jisoo made a face at them and then looked at her girlfriend. "Why are they like this?"

Chaeyoung smiled and answered vaguely, "Something special happened yesterday."

"What? They banged?" Jisoo said dryly. "I'm still scarred."

"No, we made it official." Jennie answered, still grinning, hands still locked with Lisa's as they sat down on the couch. The one they were intimate on yesterday because Jisoo was avoiding it like the plague and was sitting in the smaller one with Chaeyoung's head on her lap.

"Made what official?" Jisoo asked confused.

"Our relationship." Lisa added, grinning just as hard.

"We're girlfriends now." Jennie said giggling and Lisa had to give her a peck on the lips.

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