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Lisa held the body in front of her, squeezing her.

"You smell so good." Lisa mumbled as she nuzzled into a delicate neck. She was half awake and she forgot she was cuddling Jennie.

Jennie was already melting so she turned herself around, facing Lisa now. She had to do damage control before Lisa turned her into mush by being unintentionally sweet like that.

"If you keep this up I'll feel like you actually like me Manoban." Jennie teased.

Lisa's eyes opened wide after that, her grip slacking on a very naked, very attractive Jennie in her arms.

"Um—Sorry." Lisa said, untangling herself from Jennie and rolling to her side of the bed.

Jennie kissed Lisa quickly, might as well. It's not like they hadn't cuddled all night and had sex the night before. It's not like Jennie didn't realize she's totally into the girl in front of her. Jennie had to kiss her before she jumped her bones again because goddammit now that she figured out her feelings she realized how damn hot Lisa was. Especially in the mornings with that mussed up sex hair.

"It's okay, you were just doing what I asked." Jennie said, her voice coming out a little raspy because she was getting flashbacks of last night and all she wanted was to pull Lisa back into her and beg her to grind on her again.

Jennie hadn't really doubted Lisa would be good at it, Lisa was a dancer. Of course she could move her body so perfectly like that. Even when Jennie thought she hated her she was sure Lisa was probably good in bed but after last night, after actually experiencing it, Jennie thought Lisa might have invented sex.

She really needed to stop thinking about it now though because she was sure she looked flushed.

So she got up, abruptly before she gave herself away over her little crush on Lisa. She forgot she was naked, so she squeaked and ran to the bathroom, trying to hide her body as much as possible.

Lisa looked on bewildered for multiple reasons. For one, Jennie was cute when she screamed all high pitched like that. For two, naked Jennie was so goddamn hot and most importantly for three, Lisa suddenly remembered she had just had the hottest sex she had ever had in her life the night before and it had happened with the girl she was supposed to hate.

Maybe angry sex was a real thing. That's all it had been right? It wasn't that she actually liked Jennie. That would be ridiculous. Lisa just had eyes. Jennie Kim was hot as fuck and of course Lisa would be turned on by her. Of course Lisa had wanted to please her when they were in the middle of it. It was in her nature to want to make hot girls come after all.

The cuddles though. Why did they cuddle? More importantly, why did Lisa like it so much. It had always been a point of argument with Suzy. They had always fought over it when they were together because Lisa always got too hot when they would cuddle so she never cuddled Suzy for very long, she usually only did it for few minutes before rolling away and it hurt Suzy's feelings yet here Lisa was, practically glued to Jennie Kim all night.

It was the sex. Lisa decided. It's just because they'd had really good sex. Maybe they hated each other but there was no denying Jennie was incredibly good in bed. She found spots Lisa didn't even know she had last night and those nails had driven Lisa crazy and the way she had talked to Lisa, god, that baby brat really knew how to turn her on.

Lisa had to shake herself out of it because if she kept this up she would go into that bathroom and try to take Jennie again because just thinking about last night was turning her on again.

She must really be sex deprived or something. Good thing the wedding was coming up. They could finally break up and Lisa could find someone to fulfill her sudden needs without being a cheater. Though for some reason the thought of sleeping with someone else didn't really appeal to her. She had tried so hard to picture someone else, anyone else other than Jennie last night but it was so hard when Jennie had looked that good and sounded that good and felt that good and oh my god stop Lisa.

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