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I'm sorry.

If you're old enough grab your nearest adult beverage to help get you through it.

To my youngster's, some chocolate milk? Banana milk? Eat some comfort food?

Anyway, cry with me. Carry on.


"Where are you going all dressed up? Got that hot date with Limario?" Jisoo teased. "I figured your date would be banging each other in your room all day."

Jennie swallowed hard at the mention of Lisa.

"No. I have an event."

"An event? On a Sunday? Why?" Jisoo questioned. "That's where you guys are going of all places?"

"To raise money for my charity." Jennie lied.

The doorbell rang and Jennie opened it. Kai had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Let's go." Jennie said hastily, trying to block him from view but Jisoo saw him anyway.

"Jendeukie what the fuck are you doing with him?" Jisoo looked on perplexed.

"I'll be back Chu." Jennie said before shutting the door. "Don't wait up."

Jisoo was left reeling.

Jennie silently followed Kai down the stairs. He tried opening the door to the entrance of their apartment for her so she went through the other one. She heard him sigh. He tried opening the passenger's door of his car for her too and she went around to the driver's side.

"Give me your keys." Jennie demanded coldly, holding her hand out.

Kai silently handed them over and slid into the passenger's side. Jennie drove a little too fast to the event. Entirely too distraught.

She lost her temper at a spotlight.

"Why the fuck are you so intent on doing this Kai? You don't even like me!" Jennie shouted.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

"You're sorry? You're fucking sorry?! Do you know what you're doing to my life right now?! I know you're dumb but you're not so stupid as to not realize you're helping my father take everything I love away from me!"

"I'm sorry. I have to do this." Kai said meekly.

"Why? You've fucked half of campus! Why not one of them? Why me! I was happy." Jennie said, choking the tears back. "I was finally happy."

"I'm sorry." Kai said again and Jennie almost thought he might be sincere. "I can't tell you why. I just have to do this."

"Don't you dare speak to me unless spoken to. Don't speak to me at all unless those people at those stuffy parties—" Jennie let a tear fall now at the thought of the way Lisa would call them that. "Unless those people at those stuffy parties force us to."

"Okay Jen."


"Babe, have you heard from Lisa?" Jisoo asked once Jennie left with Kai. They didn't see them at all at the wedding last night and had assumed the two had ditched the wedding and been wrapped up in their usual love bubble, considering Lisa was leaving soon, it was understandable. They didn't even bother to check on them when they got home from the wedding, figuring they were together in the other room.

The only reason Jisoo had caught Jennie that evening was because she was getting snacks. Jisoo got the shock of her life just now when she watched Jennie leave with Kai.

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