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Lisa watched on amused, whooping and chanting along with the rest of the crowd, cheering Jessi on as she did a keg stand with the help of Mrs. Kim, Bambam and his best friend Jackson, who had come along for the party too when Lisa told Bam he was welcome to bring anyone.

She was back hugging Jennie as she cheered and kept having to apologize for screaming in her ear.

"It's okay Lili." Jennie giggled when she apologized for the third time after she spent a minute cheering for Jisoo's mom when she took her own turn.

Kai nervously approached them once Mrs. Kim had beat even Jessi's keg stand record. Which was really impressive because Jessi had gone for a whole minute.

Lisa knew he was still jumpy around Jennie, not wanting to breach her space but he was being a little more anxious than usual around her so Lisa raised an eyebrow at him in question.

"What's wrong with you?" Lisa asked him.

"Um—just wanted to ask you something, if that's cool." Kai said, shifting nervously.

"What's up?"

"Can I steal her for a second Jennie?" Kai asked her, even more nervously.

Jennie rolled her eyes at him. "I guess, but bring her back to me within five minutes or I'll do to you what Jisoo did to that one boy that claimed I slept with him in high school. You know the one, I'm sure you remember."

Kai blanched, Jisoo had really messed that kid up for lying about that, and not just physically either, she got him expelled too and he was almost disowned from his own family.

He was a shit kid so Kai didn't feel bad for him, but Kai really didn't need Jennie targeting him like that because he knew Jennie was just as capable as Jisoo to ruin his life. His best friend was so whipped for Jennie that if Jennie asked they probably wouldn't be friends anymore and he'd get fired from Lisa's studio if Jennie so asked Lisa to do it and he really didn't need that. He needed to stay on his best friend's woman's good side at all costs.

"I promise. I'll bring her right back, just need her for a bit, but can I have at least fifteen minutes with her? It might take us a little longer than five minutes to do this. Please?"

Jennie didn't deign to answer him, but rather turned in Lisa's arms, wrapped her own arms around Lisa's neck and kissed her slowly.

"I'm not even single anymore and I still feel so single around you two when my boyfriend isn't around." Kai muttered under his breath as he averted his eyes and waited patiently for them to break apart, which if you asked him was way longer than necessary because it's not like he was taking Lisa away forever, he just needed her help for a bit.

Jennie pouted cutely at Lisa once she pulled away after a solid two minutes of kissing her. "Hurry back Lili."

Lisa gave her another peck because how could she not when her girlfriend was pouting all adorable like that and looking like the cutest person in the world, in Lisa's humble opinion.

"Don't go anywhere baby brat. I'll just handle whatever the boujee pretty boy is freaking out about and come right back to you love."

"You better, my idiot, or I'm not sleeping in your room tonight." Jennie threatened her cutely as she glared and pointed her finger at her while she shot her that gorgeous gummy smile, so Lisa just had to kiss her again.

Lisa finally followed Kai to the kitchen, which was mostly unoccupied except for the people refilling their drinks because that's where all the liquor was. Kai bounced on the balls of his feet nervously.

"Dude, you're freaking me out, what is it?" Lisa asked him, feeling anxious because of his nervousness.

"Umm." Kai said, looking even more nervous as he looked at the ground and paused again.

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