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Jisoo got a credit card notification text and scowled.

"Well played Limario." Jisoo said as she looked at the amount charged to her card. "I guess I deserve that."

Chaeyoung giggled beside her. "Sorry babe, I should have just gotten Lisa's laptop and taken it down there too for her."

"It's fine. I'll get her back tonight." Jisoo said mischievously.

"What are you planning on doing tonight?" Chaeyoung asked curiously.

"Cranking up the heat." Jisoo smiled deviously.

"Babe." Chaeyoung said in a warning tone.

"What? You said they should talk first. They talked." Jisoo pointed out.


Lisa was getting restless. She wasn't used to being cooped up in one place for so long. She was supposed to be at dance today, letting out the energy she always managed to accumulate if she sat for too long during the day through hours of perfecting choreography.

She started drumming with a couple of Jennie's highlighters absentmindedly as she blankly stared at the laptop screen in front of her. Not even the gruesome image showing devastation to buildings and people after a bombing was snapping her out of it. Her eyes were unfocused and the photo was just becoming a black and white blur the more she stared at it.

"Lisa." Jennie held her hand out.

"Sorry." Lisa said sheepishly, handing her the highlighter and feeling bad she had disturbed her studying.

"The other one. I need the blue one. I have everything color coded." Jennie said without looking up from her books.

"Oh." Lisa handed her the other highlighter in her hand and smiled when Jennie gave her another one to play with to replace the blue one she took. Lisa thought she was going to scold her for being loud and drumming with them.

Lisa started drumming again.

After thirty minutes Jennie spoke up again.

"That's enough of a break Lisa, focus." Jennie demanded, not looking at Lisa as she continued working.

Lisa as usual found demanding Jennie very attractive, she paused her drumming but she might have stared at Jennie a little too long.

"Lisa. Do your edits. Gong-Yoo expects the next round by tonight doesn't he?" Jennie asked again in that same demanding tone.

Lisa didn't know how Jennie even knew that.

"Right. Sorry. Spaced out."

Lisa managed to work for about forty five minutes straight before she lost focus again and Jennie of course noticed.

Jennie set her pen down and rested her hand on her chin as she looked at Lisa intently, appraising her.

Lisa gulped—half nervous at the way she was being scrutinized and half drooling at how hot Jennie looked as she tried to read her. Then Jennie narrowed her eyes at her and Lisa broke.

"I'm sorry!" Lisa whined. "You know I can't stay in one place for long! I should be dancing right now! I had rehearsal with Jimin that I had to cancel because your evil cousin decided to lock me up in a bomb shelter!"

Jennie tried not to smile. She wasn't going to scold her. She had learned that the best way to get Lisa to focus was to let her take regular breaks. She would focus for a little bit at a time and that would end up stretching her productivity.

"Then do something Lisa. I'll give you thirty minutes and then you have to go back to your work." Jennie said, pointing a threatening finger at her.

"Do what?"

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