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Extra long chapter as penance for the slow update


Both Jisoo and Lisa dragged themselves out of bed at the same time the next day. They didn't even bother to bicker like they usually did when they accidentally bumped into each other, literally. They both actually said sorry to each other for once.

Their respective girlfriends snickered at their state.

"You guys going to keep having drinking contests?" Chaeyoung teased.

"I'm never drinking again." Jisoo said, still feeling queasy.

"I thought expensive alcohol wasn't supposed to give you hangovers." Lisa grumbled. "Stupid Crystal."

"It's Cristal babe, Al, not Crystal."

"Fuck Al too." Lisa said as she sat at the table and banged her forehead against it.

"Stop it, you'll hurt yourself." Jennie scolded.

"This hurts less." Lisa said, banging her head again.

Jennie just rolled her eyes at her.

Chaeyoung was soothing Jisoo, rubbing her back gently as soon as she sat down. They were still in their engagement love bubble so even though Jisoo had drank way too much, Chaeyoung was doing everything to baby her fiancée and Jisoo was milking it.

Chaeyoung was currently spoon feeding her and normally Jisoo would act like a hard ass but she was pouting at her girlfriend in between bites so she could get kisses.

Lisa noticed and looked at Jennie, pouting too. "How come you're not doing that for me?"

"Ask me to marry you and maybe I will." Jennie quipped. She realized a little belatedly what she had just said and blushed.

"Let me save up for a nice ring and give me a year to write a proposal and I will." Lisa said honestly, banging her forehead on the table again.

Jennie was really red at this point so she got up to get Lisa some water and some pain meds.

"Here, take this." Jennie said when she came back.

"Thanks baby brat. What would I do without you?"

"Have killer hangovers all the time." Jennie giggled.

"Ugh. I feel nauseous." Lisa admitted.

"Eat some soup." Jennie urged.

"I can't."

"Eat some soup you idiot, you have work later."

"Nooooo." Lisa whined.

"What are you going to tell Gong Yoo then? That you got too drunk?"

Lisa lifted her head up abruptly. "Ugh, too fast."

"Eat." Jennie said, holding up a spoonful of soup for her.

Lisa smirked.

Jennie rolled her eyes. "Shut up." She mumbled as Lisa opened her mouth so Jennie would feed her.


Jennie as usual had been perfect in putting the grand opening together for Lisa. All Lisa had to do was call the numbers and book everything, the numbers that Jennie had already looked up for her. Jennie had even designed invitations for her.

They both went to Taehyung like they usually did to get dressed. He had them both in all black this time, per Jennie's request, to match the theme of the opening and as usual, he didn't disappoint.

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