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Issa double cus I finally finished editing this draft!

Also to my readers of the other stories I neglect while I update, I have drafts for all of them I'll post soon I'm just really A.D.D and have to jump around to get them to click and not be boring! Thank you for your patience I love you all.


Jisoo read Lisa's lips again, she was giving Chaeyoung a running commentary of the bits and pieces she caught.

"Whose Vanessa?" Jisoo asked her girlfriend.

Chaeyoung jumped up from the couch, "I'm out of tea, do you want more tea? I'll go make some tea."

Chaeyoung practically skipped into the kitchen and Jisoo followed her leisurely, knowing something was up.

"Chipmunk! Who's Vanessa?!" Jisoo shouted to let her voice carry into the kitchen.

Chaeyoung busied herself with the water. Jisoo finally caught up to her and stood on the threshold, eyebrow raised.

"Just a girl from my high school." Chaeyoung said nonchalantly.

It's not like she didn't want to tell Jisoo, but she knew that once she found out Vanessa was someone to her once upon a time it would probably sting her. She knew Jisoo like the back of her hand so she had avoided the topic altogether because what was the point when Jisoo was the only one that mattered to her. Will matter to her, but she knew Jisoo would press.

"Just?" Jisoo probed.


"Was she a friend?"

"A sort of friend, yeah." Chaeyoung answered, avoiding Jisoo's eyes.

"What does that mean? What's a sort of friend?"

"I mean "friend" was technically in the title?" Chaeyoung said nervously.

"Chipmunk. Was she your girlfriend?"

Chaeyoung shrugged and nodded once.

"So Vanessa was your girlfriend in high school?"

"For a little while yeah."

"Why does it feel like you're hiding something?"

"Because I am," Chaeyoung answered immediately.

Jisoo laughed because her girlfriend was always too honest. Especially if Jisoo asked her a direct question, she didn't have it in her to lie.

"What are you hiding?" Jisoo asked with a smirk.

Chaeyoung put the tea bags in the cup and sighed.

"Vanessa was my first love." Chaeyoung waited for it, for the touch of insecurity.

Jisoo hated the jealousy that rose after that comment. It was all in the past of course, but the fact Chaeyoung had ever loved someone other than her would never sit well with her.

"What happened with you guys?"

"She was older. I wasn't ready for certain things yet. Intimate things. We broke up." Chaeyoung explained.

Jisoo could tell it was still a really sore subject for Rosie.

"Are you not over her yet?" Jisoo asked, irrationally dreading the answer. Only because for Jisoo, Chaeyoung was it for her. There was no one else in her future and she might as well erase her entire past because they were all insignificant.

Chaeyoung immediately stopped stirring the tea, walking over to Jisoo to give her a light peck on the lips. This was the exact part she had been scared to witness because an insecure Jisoo was like drinking orange juice right after minty toothpaste, it shouldn't happen, they just don't go together because Jisoo was perfect and her confidence in herself was warranted. Especially when it came to her, Jisoo owned her heart and soul.

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