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"Chaengie I have to tell you something." Lisa said nervously the next morning after her shower.

"We'll be back babe." Chaeyoung told Jisoo who hummed at her girlfriend but didn't look, too intent on playing her game on the couch, still in her pjs. "We'll bring back coffee."

"Take my card baby!" Jisoo shouted, furiously pressing the buttons on the controller.

Jennie was already in the kitchen making brunch, considering they had all drank a little too much the night before and slept in.

Chaeyoung let Lisa take her time. They went to the coffee shop on the corner and ordered.

She only broached the subject once they were walking back and Lisa still hadn't spoken yet, she could feel the nervous energy radiating off of her.

"What haven't you told me yet?" Chaeyoung asked once they were outside, walking on the sidewalk leisurely.

Lisa took a sip of her coffee. "How do you always know?"

"I'm your best friend. You think I don't know when you hide things from me?"

"Not just with me though. You're like this with everyone." Lisa said grumpily. "How I ended up with a mind reader of a best friend I don't know because it's annoying sometimes."

"You like it Lisa. Deep down. You like that you don't have to be the one to start these kinds of conversations because I call you out on them."

"I guess you're right."

"Now what is it?" Chaeyoung probed.

"I applied for a very prestigious photography fellowship and I actually got selected."

"That's great!" Chaeyoung said hugging her tightly, almost spilling their coffees in her excitement.

"It's a year long Chaengie." Lisa said nervously.


"I'd be traveling the world for it."

"I see. So you'd be leaving?" Chaeyoung asked. "For the whole year?"

"Yeah. I didn't tell you because I didn't think I'd get the rest of the funding I would need but—well. Jennie kind of hooked me up and got it for me last night."

"Hence the heavy make out session on the slot machine yesterday. That's what the photography guy thing was about?"

"Um—yeah. I guess." Lisa said blushing.

"When would you be going?"

"After Suzy's wedding."

"That soon? What about school?"

"It's a fellowship so they'll let me take leave. I don't really need to graduate for my photography major either way with this, I'll get the college credits, but I still want to come back and finish up dance."

Chaeyoung stopped them, grabbing Lisa's shoulders. "I'm proud of you Lis."

"But I'll be leaving you."

Chaeyoung teared up a bit. "You'll come back."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"I know why you didn't. I'm a baby. I'm kind of glad you held it from me because if I had accidentally cried you wouldn't have applied and you would have missed out on this great opportunity."

"You really think I should go?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I'd be leaving you behind."

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