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Seth's POV:

I went to town to buy two things – Angie's gift and an engagement ring. Well, I was with Angie when I bought the engagement ring for Nikki and I think that it was a little unfair if I'm going to give that to Angie. I can't believe it, it was Angie all along. Me and her forever, who's gonna be my beta then?

Nikki wanted to go home, I can't bring her home and tell her the reason why I'm going to town. She had enough heartbreak from me.

I quickened my pace when I smelled something different, spicy, pungent, and putrid – the smell of hunters. I alarmed my dad through our mind link.

'Dad, they're here. The hunters they're roaming around town.'

'What are you doing there, Seth?'

'I'm buying an engagement ring?'

He laughed at me, my dad is laughing because I'm buying an engagement ring.

'Son, go home. Be safe. Go home and let's talk. You need to be here before Angie's party starts. We all have to talk. But prepare yourself, Alex might not be that happy. Try to cover your balls at all times, Angie might not be happy too.'

'Dad, you're not making it any easier for me.'

'Go home Seth, try your best not to bump in to any of the hunters. Can you do that for me?'

'Yes, dad. I'm coming home, but the ring?'

'It has to wait and your mom and I have something for you. Just go home.'

I hastened my pace as I reached my car door. I revved the engine and drove away from town. When I reached the forest, I saw ten defenders lined up, waiting for me. I nodded and they followed me home in their wolf form. I conversed with my dad through the mind link.

'Ten defenders on my account. You're unbelievable.'

'You're the next in line, I can't just wait for you to come home. Be thankful that I did not let them come and get you.'

I parked my car in the front lawn then I smelled melons. Angie.

'Dad, Angie is here. What do I do?'

'You're asking me with girl problems?' I can see my dad smirked from the tone of his voice.

'Dad, she does not know, how will I tell her?'

'Let fate decide son.' I hid myself as Angie approaches our front door. She'll know the instant she saw me.

Angie's POV:

What's that smell? It smells like a juicy green apple. Yum yum. I guess I'm just hungry after all the run I had with Ty.

The Bradford's house is like my second home. "Hey Aunt Helen, I'm going up to Seth's room. He just left me this morning while I was sleeping, can you believe that jerk?"

"Honey, I think you should stay for lunch," Aunt Helen replied.

"Sure as long as you're going to cook your famous beef stew." I climbed the stairs going to Seth's room.

"Your parents will drop by too a little later."

"Tell Seth I'm going to sleep in his bed since he did not make me slept in mine." I closed the door to Seth's room.

That's strange Seth's room smells different, the smell is stimulating, I've never felt this way. The scent envelops me with desire and lust...yes lust.

I'm starting to imagine the lustful things that we can do together, the way he kissed me in the forehead last night. It was filled with love, the way he has draped his arms around me for the past few days. My thoughts were disrupted when I saw a hand grasp the window pane. I started to walk near it preparing myself to fight if it was an unwelcomed intruder. Then came the head and the feet as it prepared itself to lunge inside the room. I was startled when it looked at me, I was so surprised that when it lunged inside he toppled over me, with me underneath and him on top of me. The sweetest smell of green apple enclosed my senses and I was so wrapped with the protective arms of Seth, my bestfriend, my mate.

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