Life changing surprises do come in small packages

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Angie's POV:

I was awakened by the sound of chirping birds and sunlight directed to my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw the clear blue sky. "What the hell?" I suddenly looked down and saw that an arm is rested on my tummy. I turned to my side and saw Seth. He moved but he just locked me in an embrace. Then I shouted, "What the fuck Seth? Get up!" Seth started to move and mumbled "Sorry."

"Go home Seth, sleep in your own bed," I held his hand and pulled him up with all my might.

"You can't boss me around. I'm your alpha."

"Yeah right use the alpha card to get out of trouble...Come on Seth I still have to train."

"Why do you always train?" Seth said while rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms wide.

"You know why, to protect you and your family."

"Oh. But I want to protect you too," he said breathlessly.

"My ultimate job as a beta is to make sure that the alpha's family is safe."

"But I want you to be safe too."

"I can handle a few scratches and bruises, which is why I have to train harder. You are a handful you know...Oh well, gotta go. See you later."

Seth's POV:

But I want to protect you Angie as I watched her go inside their house. I headed back to my house when my phone vibrated.

From: my nikki

Im not filing well, something is wrong. Nid to tok 2 u now.

I suddenly felt worried. What could have happened to Nikki. I rushed to get my car key inside the house, changed my shirt and drive as fast as I could to Nikki's house. I arrived after 15 minutes. That was fast. I saw her waiting on their front porch. She seems a little off but I can't decipher what.

I opened the car door and she came rushing towards the other side. "Come on, we have to buy something."

"What?" I was surprised. "This is not one of your shopping escapades right?"

"This is not about shopping. Now, let's go, you drive I show you where to go," she huffed.

I started the car and we went into an establishment. She rushed herself to one of the aisles and took boxes of different brands of pregnancy test.

Oh shit.

"What is this about?" I asked.

"I'm delayed you know, I'm not feeling good lately. I think it is morning sickness."

"Are you sure?"

"What the hell is your problem Seth? "

"I just want to make sure that's all."

"You know what if I'm pregnant I won't hold you down, I won't force you to marry me and have a family with me. I know I'm not your mate! But atleast have the decency to stay with me while I get over this."

"I'm sorry Nikki...Please...we'll do it the right way. If it's positive then we have to deal with it together. You have'll always have me," I held her face and kissed her forehead. It is the right thing to do...


We went straight to my room. "Come on Seth, all 5 kits says I'm pregnant," she started crying.

"I know. Come down with me," I told her. "We'll have a talk with father."

A meeting was being held in father's house office. Usually formal matters are dealt with in the pack's office. But dad insisted in keeping one in the house, it is more convenient in his own part and accommodating for the pack members.

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