Red Alert

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Angie's POV:

The sentinels (trackers & scouts), defenders (archers), warriors and protectors have already been informed with the recent information of hunters. This is not a good time for a celebration, there are rogues in the nearby area and now we have hunters roaming around. But, ofcourse Seth's parents and my parents wanted this. They will announce our engagement. I looked at myself, my hair was styled, my mom hired a make-up artist for this occasion. My red dress was on top of my bed.

A knock on my room startled my thoughts. "Come in," I said.

"Can we talk, away from all of this, somewhere private perhaps." I followed her as she went outside to the backyard and into the forest. Then she stopped and turned her body and said,

"You look beautiful. I knew that you would blossom into a pretty lady when you have time to put on make-up instead of punching and kicking," Nikki said with awe in her voice.

"Oh Nikki," I walked towards her and hugged her so tight.

"I'm sorry for all, for everything, I do not want to hurt you in anyway," I said.

"Angie, just as I have predicted, you will be the one to apologize for everything. Now, remember this, it was nobody's fault. Not yours, not Seth, and not mine. It's fate, this is how it was supposed to be. I am hurting, I won't deny it, that's why I have to go."

"I know, I would have also left if I was in your position."

"Please let Seth visit his child from time to time and don't be a jealous bitch ok," Nikki smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you Nikki, you were one of my true friends." I hugged her again tightly as she hugged me back. I never expected the next scenes that unravel before my eyes. I was hugging Nikki and we were both crying when her body stiffened.

"Angie...," Nikki whispered.

"Nikki, what's wrong?" I saw Nikki touched something from her back but when we both look at her hand, it was wet with something red, blood. My senses were put into heightened alert. Trouble is near, oh I'm wrong, trouble is already here.

"Angie, I'm hit with a bullet, please the baby."

"The sight of 2 female wolves crying is something," a tall guy with long black hair smirked. He smelt like fish and cigar, he seems to be the leader of the rogues. Out of the darkness of the night, six other rogues came out of sight.

"Don't even think to use your mindlink, the young alpha's mate will be killed. Choose wisely Beta."

I did not even wonder how they knew about me or my position, this is the downside of belonging to a famous pack. They knew a lot about me but not the whole story. How poor are their sources? I let Nikki hold on to my arm, I calculated the risks that I have to take.

"No mindlink...I get It. What do you want?" I asked.

"We will take Seth's mate as hostage," the guy with the long black hair said. The other 6 guys took hold of Nikki but when the leader grabbed Nikki, he stopped.

"You are a whore bitch!" he shouted. His wolf is getting angry and the other six guys are trying to contain him.

I took the chance and whispered to Nikki, "Run, run as fast as you can, I'll distract them." I guess Nikki did listen to what I've said.

"She's not the young alpha's mate - I am," I distractingly said. "Let her go, you have hurt her by hitting her with a bullet, I will come with you peacefully."

"We don't carry guns. Take her!" The leader said. A guy with long brown hair said,

"Drew, are you sure about this?"

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