5. Shadows Die

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AN:// Just a quick heads up, this chapter's got a fight scene and a bit of gore.

Only a few months since I'd been welcomed into the Wild Ones, we found a way into F.E.A.R.'s underground prison. We'd planned an attack and I was part of the group that had been selected to go. To get to the prison, we had to trek through the desert. It was going to take a lot of effort, but it would be worth it to free the prisoners.

I woke up at dawn on the day of the attack. Even though only a small number of the Legion's members had been selected to go to the prison, I could hear excited chatter in the hallway outside my room. I got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top painted with the Legion's symbol and slid on a pair of buckled combat boots. I tied my hair back into a ponytail and headed down to the main hall.

Andy, Ashley, CC, Jake and Jinxx were standing at the front of the hall when I arrived. They were wearing jackets similar to the one I'd seen Andy wearing the first time I'd seen him and already had war paint on. The whole of the Legion were milling around and I struggled through the crowd to find the group who were going to the prison. I eventually managed to find Jamie, Hazel and Angelo. Each member of the Legion had a different war paint design. Jamie had drawn a teardrop with a swirl in the centre on his cheek. Angelo had drawn a circle on his cheek and put an x in the centre. Hazel's was the simplest; a vertical line running the length of her face and a horizontal one through the middle.

The four of us stood together, chatting excitedly, until Amber came over. She smeared two lines across her cheek and handed me the small tub of the black liquid we used for war paint. I dipped my fingers into the jar and smeared a line horizontally across my face, just beneath my eyes. We only had a few more moments before Andy made his address. I watched as he took to the platform.

'Legion!' He bellowed, immediately catching everyone's attention and causing the room to fall silent. 'Today, we make our next move against F.E.A.R.!' The crowd cheered at this, causing Andy to smile widely, revealing his pearly white teeth. 'Today, we free our captured brothers and sisters! Today, the shadows will die!' he declared. We all cheered and Andy stepped down from the platform.

Andy, Ashley, CC, Jinxx and Jake left the main hall. Amber, Jamie, Angelo, Hazel and I followed. It had been decided early on that a group of ten would be enough. We wanted a group big enough to be able to successfully take on F.E.A.R. but not big enough to call too much attention to ourselves. I was waiting to go up the ladder, when Ashley pulled me aside. 'Raven, I need to talk to you.' He said, tone urgent. 'What's up?' I asked, taking a step back from Amber, who was heading up. 'In case we don't make it out of this alive, I need you to know that... I like you as more than a friend.' He confessed. Before I could reply, his warm lips we pressed against mine. For some reason, I kissed back.

'Guys, hurry — Oh, sorry...' Andy's voice interrupted us. We split apart as Andy disappeared up the ladder again. My cheeks were a little red as I looked at Ashley. 'He's right. We need to get going.' He said, his voice a little breathless. I nodded. 'Yeah,' I agreed, breathlessly. Then we climbed up the ladder to join the others on the surface. When we reached the top, the others were already gathered in a circle. Ashley took my hand and we headed over to them. Amber covered her bright hair with a bandanna.

'Right,' Andy began. 'The plan is to break into F.E.A.R.'s prison block. It's about an hour's trek, I'd estimate, but we should be able to make it without drawing attention to ourselves. Get yourselves armed and be on your guard. We can sort out grouping when we get there.' He concluded. We all nodded and headed over to the silo that held the spare weapons. I slipped a sword, a few daggers into my belt and secured an axe across my back with the sash. Ash tucked a mace and a sword into his belt before taking my hand again. I watched as the others got ready. Jinxx slung a bow and sheath of arrows over his back and had a few daggers in his belt. Jake slid a few daggers in his belt and secured a sheath of arrows and a crossbow over his back. CC slid a mace into his belt and an axe over his shoulder. Andy had an axe over his shoulder and a sword through his belt.

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