1. Lost It All

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The Prophet’s blue eyes haunted me after that. I could feel them following me everywhere, though I knew I was being paranoid. I even saw them in my sleep, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d escaped or not. Church had been cancelled that day and his words were all we could focus on, hanging thick in the air around all the districts in The City. But he was right; we didn’t need a church to worship God. I’d finally realised how much I wanted to leave The City. To be a part of something. To rebel.

No one mentioned The Prophet, but I knew no one forgot him and the events he caused. Posters with The Prophet’s face on them were plastered around The City. As I’d predicted, the schools had been closed, permanently. It was obvious F.E.A.R. didn’t want to educate us, in case we decided that we no longer wanted to listen to them. Dad’s work hours increased, since security was being tightened to prevent more rebels entering The City. I had no idea what branch he worked in, but whatever he was doing must’ve been important. One day, Dad didn’t come home.

The same day, everyone was called to the Palace of F.E.A.R. in the Centre of The City. As usual, the sinister Minions herded us to where we were wanted. We arrived at the front of the Palace, to find a stage set up in front of the crowd. I had a sudden sinking feeling in my stomach. On the stage stood The Matriarch, covered in robes of maroon, white and gold, and The Voice of F.E.A.R., as sinister looking as usual. The Matriarch stood, silent as ever, while The Voice showed a cynical smile that made my skin crawl and sent a shiver up my spin. Soon, three Minions brought out a man, or at least, I assumed it was a man. The figure was bound and gagged with a blindfold on.

‘This is what happens to the rebels or Wild Ones as they title themselves, who oppose F.E.A.R.. .’ The Voice spoke over the hushed, and frightened, crowd. The figures restraints were removed. ‘The rebels’ “Prophet” has been captured and they shall not win. Their leader is with us now. ’ he continued, sounding triumphant. But he was lying. Even through the blue contacts that were far in colour from The Prophet’s, I knew who this man was, even through his concealed eyes.

My father and they were going to kill him.

As I came to realise that fact, I began to look around, frantically searching for a protester in the crowd. But no one was standing up for him. Not even the Minions he must’ve worked with every day! Dad didn’t even remotely resemble The Prophet. There was at least a twenty to thirty year age gap. The Prophet’s hair was longer than Dad’s, plus, he was leaner and more muscular than Dad. Even though Dad’s natural brown hair, my hair, had been dyed black and his real hazel irises had been covered by the unrealistic blue contacts, I knew it was him.

Dad found me in the crowd and locked eyes with me. ‘I’m sorry. I love you.’ He mouthed. Tears pricked at my eyes. At the same moment, a sword materialised in The Voice’s hand. Dad looked at me one last time, hundreds of apologies laced in the eyes that didn’t belong to him. ‘The rebellion dies!’ The Voice declared, striking the sword through Dad’s neck. I screamed, outrage, anger, terror and pain coursing through me. I rushed through the crowd, back to my house. They’d be after me next, I knew it. F.E.A.R. couldn’t afford to have people questioning the reasons behind my scene. I’d be arrested and executed as a rebel. I’d rather die fighting.

A few tears fell from my face, realising I was all alone now, as I rushed through the front door to collect what I’d need. Both Mom and Dad were dead. I didn’t have any brothers or sisters. I didn’t even have friends. I was completely and utterly alone. My only hope, now, was to find the rebels.

As I packed my backpack, the radio switched on. ‘We expect a battle for humanity is about to begin.’ The Voice of F.E.A.R. said. I felt as though he was watching me. Then I realised the television was switched on and his cold, remorseless eyes seemed to follow me as I rushed around. ‘Within each uprising, a vague sense of safety will ignite in you, in an unseen shadow, with a sliver of a doubt. Let the thoughts slip away and remain calm. Stay close to F.E.A.R., only we can protect.’ With the final proclamation, the television and radio switched off. I grabbed a spare change of clothes, crackers, granola bars, a few bottles of water, a meat cleaver, three sharp kitchen knives, the photographs of Mom, Dad and the three of us together, a torch and tugged my jacket on. I was just about to run through the front door, when a rumbling voice sounded from the other side.

‘Danielle Raven, we need you to come with us on suspicion of conspiring with rebel forces opposing F.E.A.R.. .’ a voice said through the door. In a blind panic, I grabbed one of my knives and thrust open the upstairs window. Without a second thought, and the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I jumped through the window. A Minion grabbed my wrist as I hit the ground, stopping me from falling over. ‘You’re not going anywhere, girlie.’ He mumbled in my ear. Swiftly, I plunged my knife through his chest. As soon as his grip slackened, I took off again. I refused to look back. I didn’t want to see what I’d done. Soon, I’d made it into the desert.

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