7. Devil's Choir

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The day of the day raid arrived and instead of the usual excitement, the Legion was on edge. Andy had announced that he'd seen F.E.A.R.'s plans to do something big, but he didn't know what they were. Now, the paranoia that things were going to go wrong was haunting us all. It was irrational, really. F.E.A.R. weren't expecting us. Though, if we weren't on our guard, as I'd learnt the hard way, things could pan out differently than expected.

After breakfast, the group coming on the raid headed up to the surface. It was a group of ten, including Andy, Juliet, Ashley, CC, Eve, Jake, Amber, Jinxx, Sammi and I. 'Right,' The murmuring died out as soon as Andy spoke. A hot breeze was blowing sand into our eyes. 'We need to split into pairs. Don't go with your significant other. That's playing right into F.E.A.R's hands. Juliet, you're with Jake. Sammi, you're with CC. Amber, go with Jinxx. Eve, Ashley. Raven, you're coming with me. Grab a weapon and let's get going.' He concluded. As usual, we broke apart and headed to the silo holding the spare weapons. I slung an axe over my back and waited for the others. Ashley and Eve were going ahead of us. They were taking Ashley's motorbike and were going to make sure the coast was clear.

Ash gave me a kiss goodbye. 'I'll see you soon. Be safe.' He murmured. 'You too,' I replied. He wrapped his arms around me for a second and then jumped on his bike. I watched as CC gave Eve a quick peck on the lips, causing her to flush red, before she jumped on the bike. She wrapped her arms around his waist and Ashley started the bike. I smiled as the rode off.

Andy cleared his throat as they disappeared. 'Let's get going. Follow me.' He announced. Andy stalked ahead of the group with Juliet running every few steps to keep up with him. Sammi and Jinxx walked together, hands linked as they laughed. CC and Jake walked a little behind them, talking quietly. Amber and I were at the rear. After taking a few short cuts, we arrived in the city slums a few hours later. Ashley and Eve were already waiting.

'Dragonfly, Mourner, take the East Side. Doll, Destroyer, you've got the West. Ember, Mystic, go around and take the North. Deviant, Eve, come to the City Centre with Cursed and I. Everyone okay with that? Don't wander off. Don't get lost. And most importantly, don't get caught. We'll meet back here in an hour. Let's go!' We secured our bags and set off through the shadows.

I skulked along, my hand joined with Ashley's. In front of us, Andy stopped, pulling me into one of the nearby shelters by my elbow. A group of Minions marched past. The four of us crouched beneath the window and watched as they went past. 'What's going on?' I whispered. Andy scowled at the Minions' backs. 'I don't know, but I hope the others are okay.' He replied.

It was then that I noticed Eve was standing completely still next to me, seemingly frozen with fear. 'Eve...' I whispered. 'Eve!' I said, louder, nudging her in the ribs. She gasped, flinching back, and gazing at me with wide eyes.

'Sorry. Flashback.' She panted. I leant around the corner of the shelter to check that the coast was clear. When I was satisfied that there were no Minions around, we began creeping towards the heart of the City again. We raided a few houses along the way, taking as much food and water as possible. The raid wasn't just supply based. We were also observing the security of the City and mapping out as best of a route to the City Centre as possible. Even though I'd lived in the City my whole life, I'd never seen most of the parts I'd seen since I'd been with the Legion. Generally, we had to stay in our districts; either the East, West, North, South or Centre.

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