6. Resurrect The Sun

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I drifted in and out of consciousness. The only thing I could make sense of was a voice singing to me. I'll pray for mourning

I swear I'll never let you die

These saints within us

Can bring this moment back to life

And my heart's held high with this battle cry

I'll march on

On the horizon we will

Resurrect the Sun

It was a modified version of Andy's speech before our attack on F.E.A.R., but I couldn't tell who was singing it.

As I drifted into consciousness again, I felt someone holding my hand. 'You can't leave me, Raven. I don't care how empty your promise was.' A soft voice said. Somewhere in the back of my head I was able to connect the voice to Ashley. If I was dead, why was he talking to me? 'You have to come back. You have to live.' His words sounded rehearsed, like he said them every day. My hand fell limp against something soft. Why had he let go?

I wanted to see him again. I focused on that thought as I tried to open my eyes. I pried them open, light from the torches in the tunnels hitting my face. Though it was dim lighting, it still hurt my eyes. I turned my face, slowly, looking for Ashley. He was sitting in an old plastic chair by the side of the bed I was in. I studied his appearance for a moment. He looked sick. His long hair was a mess and there was stubble growing on his face. His eyes were closed and had dark bags beneath them. He seemed to be praying.

'Ash?' I croaked out. His eyes flew open and went to my face straight away. 'Raven! Thank God you're alright!' he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me. 'Hi.' I replied. He grinned at me and I returned it. 'I thought I'd lost you.' He admitted. 'You've been out for days.'

'I'm still here.' I replied, placing my hand on his cheek.

My thoughts came back to the room I was in. There were proper beds around the room and a glass cabinet in the corner. I'd never seen this part of the base before. 'Where are we?' I asked. 'The hospital wing. We'd never had much use for this room before, but after the rescue, we needed somewhere to treat all the new arrivals. Usually, injuries are fairly easy to patch up. We've had a bunch of spare beds in case they were ever needed. I guess they are now. I think we're just lucky Hazel used to be a nurse.' He ended with a chuckle. 'Is everyone else okay?' I asked. He nodded. 'Everyone's fine. No one died in the attack. We did put a bit of a dent in F.E.A.R.'s forces though.' I nodded.

The thoughts of the Minions I'd murdered in the attack came back. Ashley seemed to notice my change in mood. 'What's wrong?' he asked, touching his hand to mine. I looked away from him. 'It's just... I killed four people.' I confessed. A few tears slipped down my face. I tried to hide it with my dark hair, but Ashley noticed. 'Raven... The Minions aren't people anymore. Once F.E.A.R. takes control of them, they're not themselves. I'm sure that if half of them knew what they were doing, they'd be horrified. Besides, it's a war. They are far from innocent. I know how you feel. I don't like killing them either. But think of it this way; they won't hesitate to kill you. They're not in control. The Matriarch is. And she doesn't care.' He concluded. I sighed and rested my head against the board of the bed. He was right, of course. Once The Matriarch took control, the Minion's lost their souls. There was no way to stop them from killing us, except killing them. The fact that they'd already lost their souls eased my burden a little.

'Hey, did you sing to me while I was out?' I blurted out. Ashley blushed. 'You remember that?' He asked. 'Yeah,' I told him, nodding. 'It was based on Andy's speech. Parts of it just stuck in my head.' He explained. 'How long will I be in here for?' I asked. As the haze from waking up faded, I noticed a throbbing pain in my shoulder and my abdomen. 'When the stitches heal,' He responded. I looked down. I was still dressed in the same clothes I'd been wearing on the day of the prison break in, except that the strip I'd tied around my shoulder had been replaced with a clean white bandage. There was also one tied around my stomach. Hazel arrived then. She seemed a bit surprised at the fact I was awake. She reprimanded Ashley before checking me over. She told me I'd be able to leave the hospital wing in two weeks and shooed Ashley away. I lay back against my pillow. It was going to be a long two weeks.

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