15. In The End

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The day of the attack dawned, in the same sombre way the night before had ended. If everything went well, F.E.A.R. wouldn't exist by this time tomorrow.

Andy and I got up at dawn. He went to take a shower as I dressed, having already taken mine. I wore the black tank top with the Legion's skull decorating the front, a pair of black skinny jeans and my combat boots. I decided to leave my wet hair loose down my back, and pulled my mask around my neck. I tied a bandana around my wrist and my jacket around my waist. I was prepared for anything.

I sat on the edge of the mattress, while I waited for Andy. He wore the one-sleeved jacket he'd been wearing when I'd seen him on the roof of the church for the first time. His title PROPHET and the skull stood out against the black. Neither of us spoke for a moment. He held both my hands in his, and kissed me.
'I love you,' he murmured.
'I love you, too,' I responded. I kissed him, again. Then we made our way to the hall for breakfast.

The atmosphere was still sombre and filled with anxiety, but now there was also a determined edge to it. I forced my breakfast down; we needed our strength more than ever today. Finally, everyone applied their war paint and picked up their weapons. We assembled on the surface, hearts thumping. Today, we would either overthrow The Matriarch, or die trying.

'Legion!' Andy shouted, over the nervous chatter. 'Today is the day F.E.A.R. falls! Today we will take back our freedom! Who's with me?' There was a roar of agreement from the crowd and we began to march in the direction of the City, our heads held high.

Andy, Ashley, Amber, CC, Eve, Jake, Ella, Jinxx, Sammi and I were in the lead. Banners flew in the soft breeze, carried by members at the back. It wasn't long before the singing began. I was surprised to hear it Resurrect the Sun.
'Here it the echoes, madness grows
The years of my sinning teach me to show,' A woman's voice, high, clear and sweet was the one singing. I looked behind me to see that it was Juliet. She smiled at me, and I returned it. Ashley and Amber joined in on the next line.
'Heartless feelings, of pain and regret
These wounds were opened
Like lines in the sand,' I smiled at my friends, and joined in with Andy, and a few others.
'The world is sleeping
But they still have hope, so...'

It wasn't long before the entire Legion was singing along, gaining volume with every word. It struck me that we almost sounded like a choir, beautiful, contrasting melodies overlapping and complimenting each other. I gripped Andy's hand, unable to keep the smile off my face, as we sang the last chorus. The song was repeated several times over the course of our journey, and it wasn't long before our spirits were soaring. We would be the downfall of F.E.A.R., I was sure of it.

It wasn't long before we were standing outside the City gates. Andy let go of my hand, as he, Jinxx, Ashley, Jake and CC stood at the front, facing us. He didn't give a speech, instead, he opened his mouth to sing.
'In the end
As you fade into the night,' I smiled at him, and joined in.
'Who will tell the story of your life?
In the end
As my soul's laid to rest
What is left of my body?
Or am I just a shell?
I have fought
And with flesh and blood
I commanded an army
Through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory,' Ashley, Jinxx, Jake, CC, Eve, Juliet, Amber, Sammi and Ella joined in at the chorus. We gradually gained volume during the chorus. The Legion joined in during the second chorus.
'I'm not afraid to die,' we sang. When the last note cut off, there was an almost eerie silence. Our final act of defiance, a battle cry of sorts.

There was a puff of black smoke, and the Minions appeared in lines on either side of the gates, all the way up to the Palace. To no one's surprise, neither The Matriarch nor The Voice of F.E.A.R. were anywhere in sight. They were probably hidden away in the castle somewhere. There was the sound of metal scraping as we drew our weapons. We stood in a defensive position, but the Minions were yet to attack.

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