12. Revelation

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My name change to "The Raven" spread through the Legion like wildfire. I was greeted as "The Raven", by most, even though I'd never been greeted as "The Cursed", except on raids. Though I found the attention embarrassing, and a little confusing, it was nice to know I was still accepted.

The rest of the time before I was able to return to training passed tediously. I'd attended the strategy meeting tonight and we'd organised a raid for tomorrow for information, not food, this time. We'd decided on tomorrow since there had only been a small gap between this raid and our last, so F.E.A.R. wouldn't be expecting us. It was going to be our most dangerous yet, so only our best fighters and those with powers were going.

It had gotten dark hours ago, but I couldn't sleep. I'd been tossing and turning for hours, but the knot of anxiety in my stomach wouldn't let me fall asleep. I was nervous about the raid, of course, because there was an even higher risk than usual that we wouldn't all make it back. But the worst part, were my feelings for Andy.

They'd only gotten stronger since the night we'd spent writing together, and I was terrified of something happening to him, tomorrow. Of course there was a chance I could die, but, strangely, I wasn't afraid of that. So long as I died fighting for my freedom, my life hadn't been wasted. As our leader, and our spokesperson, F.E.A.R. would be more anxious to take Andy out more than anyone else. If any us were caught, it was sure to end badly, but even worse if they caught him. Considering what they had done, in public, to my father to quell the rising tensions in the City about the rebels; the private torture and execution of the real Prophet, would be far more horrific. I didn't want to lose him, but I wasn't brave enough to tell him how I felt, yet.

Eventually, I had to get up. It felt like walls of my room were closing in on me. My fears were eating me alive. I grabbed my pen and notebook, and pulled my leather jacket on. I walked through the winding tunnels without meeting anyone, and climbed the ladder into the cool, desert air. I leant against the silo, moonlight staining my notebook silver, and took deep breaths to calm myself. I started to write out my feelings, and was surprised when it lightened the weight in my chest.

In the end
As you fade into the night
Who will tell the story of your life?

In the end
As my soul's laid to rest
What is left of my body?
Or am I just a shell?
I have fought for you

In the end
As you fade into the night
Who will tell the story of your life?
And who will remember your last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end
And I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

Who we are, isn't how we live
We are more than our bodies
Who will remember this last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end
And I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

A deep voice startled me, as I inked the last letter in.
'Can't sleep?' It was Andy. Despite my heart pounding in my chest, I smiled and turned to face the dark silhouette, outlined by the grey moonlight.
'You've gotta stop sneaking up on me like that!' I scolded, but it was half-hearted. He chuckled.
'What are you writing? Another song?' he guessed. I nodded, and answered his unasked question by handing him the notebook. He pulled his own out of his jacket, and handed it to me, as an exchange. I smiled at the easy trust between us.

I turned to the last entry in the green notebook. I was only half-surprised to see that we'd been thinking along the same lines. In Andy's neat scrawl, were a few short lines.
With flesh and blood, I commanded an army
Through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory
I gave it all
I'm not afraid to die
Born a saint
But with every sin I still wanna be holy
I will live again

'It's shorter than usual,' I noted, as I finished reading. He shrugged.
'I didn't really have all that much to say. And what I did, I wasn't sure how to phrase.' I nodded. I'd only written a few times, but I felt like I could relate to his words. Like the other songs he'd written, the short lines reeked of rebellion.
'Maybe we could put them together,' Andy suggested, after a few moments of contemplative silence. 'I think they'd sound good together.' I nodded in agreement, and we exchanged notebooks, again.

I turned to a fresh page in mine, and we began pulling our verses apart. By the time we'd finished, the stars were beginning to fade. We read over the words one last time before signing the page as The Prophet and The Raven.

We headed down the corridors together, in a companionable silence. When we reached the intersection, where we had to go our separate ways, Andy turned to me.
'I'll see you in a few hours.'
'Night, Andy,' I agreed. I began to walk down the hallway to my room, when Andy called out after me. I turned around and a reply was halfway out of my mouth, when he captured my lips in a rough kiss. In the surprise of the moment, I wasn't able to do much more than just stand there. His lips felt, somehow, warmer than mine, and tasted of an infusion of cigarettes and mint. Only a few seconds later, Andy pulled away and ran down the corridor to his room, without saying another word.

I stood in shock for a few moments, after he'd disappeared around the corner. My brain was a little slow at processing the information that Andy had just kissed me. Did that mean he felt what I felt for him? Or was it just the anxiety of the raid tomorrow? I had to discuss it with him, but I couldn't do it now. If someone found me strolling down the corridor, I'd have to explain about the kiss, and until I knew whether it had meant anything to Andy, I preferred to keep it to myself.

I couldn't help but replay the kiss in my head, as I walked to my room. By the time I was back in bed, there was a stupid smile on my face. The excitement and nerves from the kiss still coursed through my veins, as I started to drift off to sleep. I could still taste the cigarettes on my lips. I touched my fingers to my lips, sleepily, and hoped that the moment had held the same weight for Andy as it had for me.

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