10. Nobody's Hero

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'Danielle, my dear, we meet again.'

It was The Voice of F.E.A.R.

'Don't call me that.' I snapped instinctively. A nasty smile crossed his face. 'That's right. You go by Raven now, don't you?' He patronised. I glared at him. I opened my mouth to bite back a reply when I realised this was my chance to get the answers I wanted. My hostile expression dropped. 'Tell me about my father.' I blurted out. He smirked, but it was out of amusement this time. 'Eager, aren't we?' He taunted. 'Cut the crap.' I growled. He sighed.

'Alright, I'll tell you. Grant Raven worked as an engineer for F.E.A.R., as I'm sure you know. Your father committed treason twice. It could not be overlooked the second time. The Matriarch and I knew of your father's attitude towards F.E.A.R. We decided, however, that so long as he was loyal and showed no signs of rebellion, it could be overlooked. The Matriarch is, after all, a merciful woman.' I had to stop myself from scoffing at that. 'But when we heard he had plans to leave for the desert, we could no longer tolerate his attitude after his first offence.

'Grant Raven was The Matriarch's brother. It was his duty to take my position and become the face of F.E.A.R. But he ran off with the rebellious harlot of a maid that became your mother.' I felt like I'd had all the wind knocked out of my lungs. As I tried to recover my breath, The Voice continued to speak. 'As I said before, The Matriarch is a merciful woman; she let Grant live in peace.' He spat my father's name like it was poison. 'However, when the harlot tried to escape into the desert, we became suspicious. He was kept under surveillance until we were certain of his plans. We stopped him the night he planned on fleeing to the desert, with you.'

I gaped at The Voice. The Matriarch was my aunt? And my dad had been a rebel? 'Danielle,' he murmured urgently. 'I'm giving you an opportunity to re-join F.E.A.R. and live in safety and peace as my wife.' He said. I stared at him, incredulously. 'Never.' His face darkened. 'You would choose that rebel scum over your family?' With a spike of pleasure, I realised that I'd made him angry. 'That rebel scum are my family.' I replied, defiantly. He drew himself to his full height and glared at me with barely contained anger. 'Then suffer the consequences.'

The Voice swung his staff at me. Before it could hit, the window shattered. The distraction gave me a chance to move away from him. Through the glass shards, came Andy. He pushed me behind him and stood with his sword poised against The Voice's throat. The Voice froze, body wired with tension. He wasn't used to being the one threatened.

'How did you find me?' I whispered. 'I came back this way when I realised you were gone. I saw you in a place like this. I heard your voice, and his, when I was passing.' Andy added, jerking his head towards The Voice. He turned back to The Voice. 'Prophet,' The Voice addressed him, coolly. 'Come to the rescue once again?' There was an unnerving smirk on his face. He shouldn't look that happy when he's been backed into a corner. Andy didn't take the bait. 'Just let her go, and we'll leave the City.' Andy said, reasonably. The Voice shook his head. As he opened his mouth to reply, Andy pinned him to the wall, the blade of his sword pressed into The Voice's throat.

'I said; let her go.' Andy repeated. The anger in his voice was frightening. If I'd been The Voice, I would have been quaking in my boots. I'd never seen him act like this before, not even when Juliet and Jake had been captured. Andy pushed the blade against The Voice's windpipe, creating a line of red around it. He whimpered in response. I watched as he took shuddering breaths. Then he launched his staff at me.

I tried to move, but I wasn't fast enough. The tip pierced my calf and white hot pain ran through my body. I screamed as my knees buckled. I fell, hitting the floor painfully hard. The staff clattered down beside me and I fell onto my back. Tears streamed down my face and the pain in my calf was all I could think of. The wall I kept between my thoughts and other's came tumbling down and Andy's panic came rushing into my head.

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