Prologue: Exordium

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I sat in the classroom, desperately wishing things could change. I wasn’t even listening to the teacher anymore. School was nothing. F.E.A.R. made sure we kept as dumb as possible. In fact, I doubted school would exist, soon. Finally, the bell rang for the end of school. I shot out of my seat, running home. In The City, we didn’t have any kind of transport, so we had to walk everywhere.

I walked in the front door, calling out ‘Dad, I’m home!’ as I slammed it closed behind me. It was just me and my dad. My mom died when I was six. She’d tried to leave to join the rumoured rebellion in the desert, but she was caught by F.E.A.R. before she got too far. I’d never had any respect for Mom for trying to leave us. Dad worked for F.E.A.R., though he silently disagreed with them, he went along with them for our safety. I walked into the kitchen to find a note from Dad on the counter.

Hey, Dani,

I have to work late tonight. I’ll meet you at church. Be good, I love you,

Dad, xoxo

I sighed and went upstairs. I got changed into the bland blue dress I wore for church before starting my homework. I’d just finished, when the familiar Voice of F.E.A.R. sounded over the outdoor PA system. ‘Please proceed to your district church,’ he said. Not much was really known about The Voice of F.E.A.R.. No one had ever seen him outside of his regular television broadcasts and no one knew him as anything other than “The Voice of F.E.A.R.”. But it was common knowledge that he was The Matriarch’s right-hand man.

I sighed and slipped into my worn, brown sandals. I began to make my way towards the church, quickly being herded in with the rest of my district by the shadowy-cloaked Minions. We were approaching the church, when I noticed a black clad figure on the roof. I couldn’t remember ever seeing him before, but his whole aura read “rebel”. Whoever he was, he wasn’t doing a very good job of being hidden. In fact, I was surprised no one else had spotted him. His icy blue eyes attached to mine. He slowly drew a finger to his lips, and I dropped my gaze, so as not to draw attention. Just as the first person was about to enter the church, a deep, rumbling voice sounded from above, on the roof.

‘The kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you. Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood, and God is there. Lift a stone, and you will find God.’

There was no need for him to shout. As soon as the first word left his mouth, the crowd had fallen silent. Before the Minions could teleport and attack him on top of the church, he jumped down and ran like a bat out of hell, which I suppose he was. I hoped he got out of The City. The last thing I saw of him as he disappeared into the distance was the back of his vest. The word “Prophet” was printed on it in white, with a strange symbol of a skull wearing the same mask as him.

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